Chapter 36

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They get there and see a woman dead in the alleyway behind the night club.

Jane: Hey.

Frost: (To Maura) You got her to do yoga.

Jane: No, it was my idea. I love yoga. Really, Frost. Every time she gives me her puppy dog eyes, I will do whatever she wants.

Maura: We had to leave before Ardha Chandrasana. I feel very unbalanced.

Jane looks at the body and the ground around it.

Jane: She was dragged here. (she looks at her wallet.

Frost: Oh, that's already been photographed and inventoried.

Jane:Gaynor-Randle. 32. ATM $100. Scratch robbery. Did you find what was used to kill her?

Frost: Not yet.

Maura looks at the body some more.

Jane: She was sexually assaulted.

Maura: Reddish-Brown stains.

Jane: She was married. Pager's totaled.

Maura looks at it.

Maura: It's not a pager. It's a glucose management system-insulin pump. She was diabetic. (She looks at her hands.) Yes needle sticks. She probably had to check her glucose level about 5 to 10 times a day. Maybe this.

She picks up a pocket book and looks through it. She turns to last nights records.

Maura: Yeah, she kept careful records. Her glucose level reading was over 400.

Jane: Is that good or bad?

Maura: It's extremely high.

Jane: Is that good or bad?

Maura: Bad, she wasn't getting any insulin. She probably had slurred speech, trouble walking.

Jane: That explains why there's no defensive wounds. She couldn't fight back. Murder weapon has a rectangular edge on it.

Maura: I can't confirm that.

Jane: Hey, Frost, we're looking for a 2x4.(He picks up said 2x4.) Frost we're looking for an idiot.

Frost: That your way of saying you want to talk to the husband?

Jane: What's it say about relationships that the husband or the boyfriend's our first suspect?

Frost: Are you getting ready for an "I Hate Men" speech?

Jane: I like men. I just don't date them. I mean I used to be one. But I really do hate the ones that kill women.

Maura looks at the iPad.

Maura: Jane, Baby Girl?

Jane: Yeah?

Maura: It may not be the husband.

She shows Jane the screen of the iPad.

Jane: Because she didn't have a husband.

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