Chapter 93

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When Jane and Maura get home, Maura gets the mail. She goes inside and gives Jane hers. Jane takes the stack and looks through it. She's through a few bills, when she gets to an envelope that has Revere High School on it. She groans and opens it. It's her high school reunion.

A Few Days Later-Friday
High School Reunion

They're in their bedroom and Maura's helping Jane find something to wear. She holds out a purple dress.

Maura: E voilà.

She walks out of the closet and sees Jane's face.

Maura: What? Don't make a face.
It's cute.

Jane: Yeah, if you're playing mahjong.

Maura: So, why'd you buy it?

Jane: 'Cause it was half off and I didn't want people to look at me funny. Donations pile. No, I want to look sexy but not like I'm trying too hard. You know, fun but not slutty.

Maura: You want me drooling over you all night, don't you?

Jane: Mm-hmm.

Maura picks up a bra and a pair of underwear.

Maura: Donations?

Jane: No! No, no, no! Maura, no, I was gonna wear that.

Maura: Oh. Okay. Did you shave your legs?

Jane: Yes. Pits too. Why? You thinking of getting some tonight?

Maura: You know, there are three reasons that people avoid their high-school reunions.

Jane: Yeah, one -- they hated high school. Two -- they hated everybody in high school. What's the third one?

Maura: Embarrassment over getting fat. Then there's fear of running into your ex or you're an abject failure. Why are you avoiding?

Jane: Abject failure. I have no husband, no kids, no south end brownstone. That was, - you know, the thing when I was in high school.

Maura: Mm I can see your point.

Jane: Okay, if I wanted support like that, I would have called my mother.

They chuckle.

Maura: Sorry. But, you do have a fiancé, and I am going to be your designated driver so you can go drink with your high-school nemeses.

Jane: It's "-sis." Isn't it "Nemesis"?

Maura: "Ses" when it's plural. I'm sure you have several formidable enemies.

Jane: Oh, and how are you so "sure"? Okay, yes, fine. There was one group of mean girls -- Debbie and Emily and Kate.

Maura: Great! So, let's go show Debbie, Emily, and Kate how fabulous you turned out to be.

Jane: I knew it. You just want to tag along so you can go all Jane Goodall on me at my high-school reunion because you got imprisoned in an all-girls' school.

Maura: I was hardly "imprisoned." But, yes, I will admit that the co-ed experience interests me.

Jane: No. No. It's not gonna happen. I'm not going. And if I'm not going, you're not going.

At the Reunion

(Up-tempo dance music plays)

They walk into the gym.

Jane: Okay, see? Co-ed high school.
You happy now? Let's go.

Man: Jane!

Jane: Oh, another reason I didn't want you to come.

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