Chapter 102

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At the Reception

Everyone gets there drinks and mingles for about an hour. Jane is talking to Olivia and everyone from SVU, when Maura comes and grabs Jane so the reception can start.

They go to their seats.

Emcee: Ladies and Gentlemen, Please welcome the brides Jane and Maura Isles onto the dance floor for their first dance.

Everyone applauds and cheers.

Song: God Gave Me You by Blake Shelton.

Jane and Maura start slow dancing. Maura's arms are wrapped around Janes neck and her head is on her chest. Jane's hands are on Maura's waist. They slowly sway from side to side.

Everyone applauds. They go sit down and Frankie stands up to toast the married couple.

Frankie: I know I'm supposed to be toasting Jane and Maura and how their lives have changed with each other, but first I wanted to thank everyone that came to celebrate the Union of these two wonderful women. I remember when Jane told me how she first met Maura. She was becoming a detective and she ran into her at BPD. She said it was the most awkward time in her life. They were just staring at each other and then she just walked away. She then became a Homicide and SVU detective and worked alongside Maura. They became friends and had fun. Jane would get so frustrated with her because she wouldn't guess. I remember her saying "Come on, Maura. It won't hurt you to take a guess. Just do it. Maura came back with I can't guess. It makes me break out in hives and hyperventilate. Jane tried to cover up a giggle, but she didn't succeed. They've been friends ever since. I hope you guys have a happy life and a happy marriage. To Jane and Maura!

Olivia stands up next.

Olivia: I remember when we all were at the Boston Marathon. I tried to talk to Jane about how she should just tell Maura she loves her. She told me no. She figured Maura wouldn't date her because she was a woman. Well, we all know that wasn't true.

Everyone laughs.

Olivia: She finally told her how she felt and Maura felt the same. They've had bad days on the job, but every time they do, they comfort each other and it's so beautiful. Jane had some things happen in her life just recently and Maura stood by her and helped her through it. So, I hope you both have a wonderful and happy marriage full of everything you've wanted. To Jane and Maura.

Jane and Maura stand up next.

Jane: Before I got to know Maura, I never cared about if I got hurt on the job or how careful I was. I didn't care about what I ate or anything I did that was unhealthy for myself. That's changed since I met her. She makes me want to be a better person and to be more careful on the job. She makes me happier than anyone else could. I love you.

Maura: Before I met Jane, I never really had any friends. When I started at BPD, she always made me frustrated by trying to get me to say a reddish-brown stain was blood when I hadn't run tests yet. Everyone thought it was funny. Then, we got to know each other even more and she'd always complain and whine when she didn't get her way. Every time we were up in the bullpen at work and I'd ask her a question, her answer would always be yes or I'd slap her upside her head.

Everyone laughs.

Maura: (looks at Jane) But, I love her and I don't think I could live without her.

Everyone: Aww.

Jane: I love you.

They kiss. Korsak stands up next.

Korsak: I remember when Jane first started as a homicide detective. She was a little butch to put it lightly.

Everyone chuckles.

Korsak: She didn't like to listen to the rules, she just did what she wanted and what she thought she had to. She's a damn fine cop and an even finer person.

Maura: That's my wife you're talking about Vince! Watch it!

Everyone laughs.

Korsak: Anyway, Maura has tamed her since they got together and I see a side of Jane I've never seen before. I hope I get to see it more often. So, I hope you guys have a wonderful life together full of happiness and love. To Jane and Maura.

Next, Richard stands up.

Richard: I haven't seen much of my daughter and Jane together, but the times I have seen them together, my daughter just can't stop smiling. No one has ever done that to her. Of all the times I've seen my daughter, she's never been happier than she is right now. I've heard from my wife that Jane will protect Maura from anything. She stood up to her own mother for Maura because she loves her so much. I couldn't of picked a better partner. To Jane and Maura.

Everyone: (raises their glasses) To Jane and Maura!

11:25: Brunch Time!

Everyone gets seated and they bring out the food. Father Crowley says a blessing and they get in line to get food. They eat and thirty minutes later the food is put away and it's time for the Father/Daughter & Mother/"Son" Dance. They get up and go to the dance floor.

Angela & Jane/Richard & Maura

Song: My Wish by Rascal Flatts

I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow
And each road leads you where you want to go
And if you're faced with the choice and you have to choose
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you
And if one door opens to another door closed
I hope you keep on walkin' 'til you find the window
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile
But more than anything, more than anything

My wish for you
Is that this life becomes all that you want it to
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small
You never need to carry more than you can hold
And while you're out there gettin' where you're gettin' to
I hope you know somebody loves you
And wants the same things too
Yeah, this is my wish

I hope you never look back but you never forget
All the ones who love you
And the place you left
I hope you always forgive and you never regret
And you help somebody every chance you get
Oh, you find God's grace in every mistake
And always give more than you take
But more than anything, yeah more than anything

[Chorus x2]

This is my wish
I hope you know somebody loves you
May all your dreams stay big

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