Chapter 64

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At a Restaraunt

Kim: Nick.

Amaro: What are you doing here?

Kim: I didn't mean for any of this to happen. That Lieutenant Tucker, he twists everything I say.

Amaro: I know what you mean, but, Kim, I really can't talk to you.

Kim: Nobody can. I'm--I'm sorry. I guess this was a bad idea.

Amaro: Hey. Have you been eating?

Kim: Uh, I'll have the lobster, please.

Amaro: (on the phone) Sorry, my, uh, daughter. She just learned how to text.

Kim: You're such a good dad. Did Amanda tell you I lost the baby?

Amaro: No. I'm sorry, I-I didn't know. IAB told us not to talk to her.

Kim: She's gonna be okay, right? I didn't want her to go to prison.

Amaro: I can see that.

Kim: You can, right?

Amaro: Mm-hmm.

Kim: You're a good detective. My sister underestimated you.

Amaro: Really?

(Both laugh)

Kim: You know how she is. Always thinks she's the smartest person in the room.

Amaro: Ah, yeah, she does have that side.

Kim: Which is why I don't know how she got in this situation. I just don't think she likes to admit she made a mistake.

Amaro: A mistake? Wait, do you mean the shooting? But you told her Jeff was raping you.

Kim: Oh, he was, but after I found out about that felony clause, I just kept telling her to say that the shooting was an accident and then we'd both be rich.

Amaro: But you were looking out for her. I get that. And that's why you put her name in that insurance policy.

Kim: I thought it would look bad if it was just me.

Amaro: Sure.

Kim: Besides, I don't know if you know, but she's got gambling debts.

Amaro: I heard that.

Kim: Look, the way it looks now, she came in and shot Jeff in cold blood.

Amaro: But you said Jeff had a gun.

Kim: Well, he did have a gun. But I didn't want her to get shot. I just wanted him-

Amaro: You wanted Jeff gone?

Kim: He was a bad man. What he did to me- She only knew the half of it. But after I found out about that felony clause, I just kept telling her to say that the shooting was an accident and then we'd both be rich.


Mr.Horowitz: She goes on to completely implicate herself and exonerate my client.

Tucker: Okay. If that recording checks out--

Amaro: What, are you serious?

Tucker: We'll be dropping the charges against you and pursuing your sister.

Amanda: Lieutenant, you can clearly hear on that recording, he threatened her. He abused her.

Tucker: She'll be arrested. I'll ask the DA to pursue murder charges.

Amanda: I don't want that.

Jane: Amanda, you have to let her go.

Amanda: She's still my-- my sister.

She starts crying.

Tucker: Let's go.

At Kim's Apartment

Tucker knocks on the door.

Tucker: Ms. Rollins.

(Electronic lock beeps)

He walks in and they're gone.

Tucker: You gotta be kidding me.

At Amanda's Place

Amanda and Fin walk in and see everything gone. She reads a note.

Amanda: (reading the note) "I helped myself to some things. I'm sorry. I love you, Amanda."

She starts crying.

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