Chapter 79

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When they get there, everyone's already there. So, they go inside.
Jane has to carry Maura inside because she was still crying. When they get inside, Angela comes around the corner from the kitchen with everyone from SVU and Homicide. She sees Jane and Maura crying and asks what's wrong. Everyone says they don't know, but that's why they're here.

Jane: Uh, everyone just take a seat wherever. We'll explain in a minute. (to Maura) Hey. Are you gonna be able to do this?

Maura: (whispers) I don't know.

Jane: Do you want me to talk?

Maura shakes her head yes and cries harder. Jane wipes hers and Maura's eyes and hugs her.

Jane: (sniffles) Uh, remember when we were at The Dirty Robber and you guys walked in and heard the end of our conversation about me asking Maura if she was pregnant?

Everyone: Yes.

Jane: "She actually was. She was between a month and a half and two months, but lost it. I didn't know until that night when we went home. That's one reason why I didn't answer Cindys' question when she asked me if I wanted a Rizzoli baby. If I would've answered her, I would've started bawling. We couldn't talk about it. It was too hard."

She and Maura starts crying harder. Everyone else starts crying too. They all walk up and hug them.


Nick: How'd it happen?

Jane: Is it okay if I tell them?

Maura shakes her head yes.

Jane: (crying) The placenta wasn't strong enough to support the baby. The doctors said that since it happened once, there's a high risk of it happening again. So, we've decided not to try again.

Lindsay: What about having one of us carry it?

Jill,Amanda,Olivia&Cindy: Yeah.

Jane: You'd do that for us?

L,J,A,O&C: Of course we would. You're family and family helps each other out.

Jane: Thank you. But, we want to get married first. And, we want everyone to be in it. Ma, before you say anything I am wearing a tux. You can fuss over Maura and her dress.

Angela: Okay.

Jane: Wait. No argument over how I'm a woman and I should wear a dress?

Angela: No. I've learned that it doesn't help to argue with you.

Jane: (whispers under her breath) It took you this long to understand that?

Angela: I can do without all the sassiness missy.

Jane: Okay, we want Frankie & Frost as my best men, and we want Nick & Fin to be the groomsmen. I would like it if Cavanaugh would walk me down the aisle. Maura wants Lindsay & Ma as her Maids of Honor, and Jill, Claire, Cindy, Olivia & Amanda as her bridesmaids. We were also wondering if you would marry us, Korsak?

Korsak: Of course I will. There's an course online to become an Officiant. I'll take it and get my certificate.

Jane: Thanks Korsak.

Korsak: No problem Jane.

Jane: We want to get married as soon as possible. But, there's something I really need to do first.

Maura: What is it?

At that moment, the doorbell rings.

Maura: Who's at the door?

Jane goes and answers it.

Jane: Mister and Misses Isles it's a pleasure to meet you.

She shakes both their hands.

Jane: Come in.

They walk in and sit down.

Maura: Mother, Father can I get you anything to drink?

Constance and Richard: No, thank you.

Richard: What did you want to ask us, Jane?

Everyone looks at her.

Jane: Maura and I want to tell you that we're engaged. I would also appreciate it if we could have your blessing?

Richard: You have my blessing.

Constance: Mine too. I've never seen Maura like this with anyone. You're good for her Jane.

Jane: Thank you. We'd also like for you to be at our wedding. You can even help my mother plan it.

Everyone: What?!

Jane: Oh, come on. I know my ma can go overboard, but come on, I'm her first child to get married and she's been harping on me for awhile. I may not like it, but I'm giving up control of the wedding planning. (looking right at Maura) All I really need is all of you and my beautiful fiancé and it'll be perfect. It doesn't matter where we get married.

Maura: Oh, Jane. I love you so much.

Jane: I love you too.

They kiss. Angela cooks dinner, they eat, visit and around 8:00 go home.

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