Chapter 60

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The Next Day

Amanda: All right, back to the questionnaire. "The respondent has acted in a way I consider dangerous or threatening."

Kim: Check.

Amanda: "The respondent has access to guns."

Kim: Amanda, we're from Georgia.

Amanda: You think he'd bring something with him?

Kim: Jeff knows all about the new gun laws up here. He's dumb, but he's not that dumb.

Amanda takes a picture of her face.

Kim: You really have to do that?

Amanda: The judge'll want proof to grant the order.

Judge: This petition involves two out-of-state residents?

Amanda: But my sister is staying with me now, Judge. I mean, I'm taking responsibility. And Mr. Parker followed her here.

Judge: All right, Detective. I'm still concerned that none of the alleged incidents took place in New York, but your sworn statement does carry weight.

Amanda: Thank you, Your Honor.

Judge: Just don't serve that yourself.

Amanda: Thank you.

They walk out.

Amanda: Benson and Fin are serving the papers.

Kim: Wait, right now? I should call him first.

Amanda: No, no, absolutely not. Okay, Kim, he gets within spitting distance of you, he gets arrested. I'll explain how all of it works later, okay?

Kim: I thought we could have dinner?

Amanda: I'll only be a few hours.

At Jeff's Room in the YMCA

They knock on the door and go in.

Olivia: Jeff Parker. This is a temporary order of protection. Consider yourself served.

He Chuckles.

Jeff: Oh, man. Is everyone in New York in cahoots with Kim's sister?

Olivia: Don't violate the order.

Jeff: Me? I need an order of protection. Against both of them.

Fin: Why don't you just quit while you're behind and go home?

Jeff: Amanda can't keep me from my baby.

Olivia: Do you want us to bring you in right now? I didn't think so.

At BPD-SVU Bullpen

Kim: Hey, is--uh, is Detective Rollins here?

Amaro: You must be her sister.

Kim: Kim. Hi. You must be Nick.

Amaro: Yeah.

Kim: She did not tell me how cute you are.

Amaro: Good to meet you, Kim.

Kim: Uh, Amanda told me she'd be here.

Amaro: Uh, you know, I have not seen her. Have you tried her cell?

Kim: Yeah, I left her a message. But, um, is it okay if I just wait for her here?

Amaro: Yeah, sure.

Kim: Just-- Actually, um, y'all don't got any change do you? All my singles are crumpled.

Amaro: For the vending machine? I haven't really had a chance to eat anything today. You know, let's get you a real meal, hmm? Do you like Chinese?

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