Chapter 21

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With Jane and Matthew

Jane: I'm gonna say something, even if you don't want to hear it. You're my son, and I love you. And even if you did this, I won't abandon you. Do you hear me?

Matthew: Yeah. You really tried to call?

Jane: Yes.

Matthew: You sent letters?

Jane: Almost every day, for a long time, Matt.

Matthew: Ma, I didn't do it.

Jane: What? Talk to me, Matt. Tell me everything.

Matthew: Tommy's lying. H-he's the one who shot the cop. I tried to wrestle the gun away from him.

Jane: Why didn't you tell me?

Matthew: I thought he was my friend.
I-I c-couldn't believe that you thought that I would do that. Lawyer told me not to talk to anyone.

Jane: How did you get officer Kincaid's blood all over you?

Matthew: I tried to help him. I tried to give him CPR, just like you taught me when I was 3. When I heard the sirens I knew I was in big trouble. So, I took off.

Jane: I'm gonna get you out of here, Matt.

In the Morgue

Jane: It's Tommy's word against Matt, and Tommy talked first. E.M.S. Report says Kincaid was breathing on his own when they arrived.

Maura: Well, they have to note it if CPR was administered. You see that box? The paramedic checked no. (her computer beeps) That should be officer Kincaid's chest x-rays from the E.R.
She opens them and shows Jane. "You see these lines, where the rib 1 and 2 connect to the sternum?"

Jane: Yes.

Maura: They're fractures. The force exerted to the chest during CPR sometimes can result in broken ribs. It's the only explanation for Gerry Kincaid's injured ribs.

Jane: It's not enough. The only one who can confirm that Matt tried to help is Kincaid, and he's still not conscious.

Maura: Well, I think you need to be prepared. He may never regain consciousness. But the forensic proof may be right here.

Jane: On Matts clothes?

Maura: There's a higher concentration of blood at the knee And here on the toes of Matt's sneakers.

Jane: So you're saying the clothes prove that Matt was kneeling over Kincaid's body.

Maura: Giving him CPR. But I'm not saying anything. The clothes are.
The evidence is.

Jane: My son is telling the truth.


Frost: Denise and Gabrielle were both dancers but maybe they tried to talk to each other in chat rooms.

Lindsay: How many dance websites are there?

Frost: Here's Denise's e-mail address.
What's "a bunhead"?

Lindsay: A ballerina. Hmm. Well [Sighs] Denise wouldn't want to get kicked out of Witsec, you know? I mean, she'd be almost as afraid of the government as she'd be of Gusano.

Frost: Terrorists figured out a pretty smart way to get around government monitoring. They write the e-mail but don't send it.

Lindsay: I'm not following you.

Frost: Yep. Here it is.

Lindsay: Denise has a bunch of unsent mail.

Frost: Basically, you give your password to someone. They access the account remotely and read the unsent mail.

Lindsay: Gabrielle and Denise were in touch. "Gabs, Dakota is on fire.
You have to see my baby dance." "Saturday at the Tourraine hotel and convention center. Please? It has to be safe now." (Keys clacking)

Frost: Here's the I.P. Address that accessed the account remotely.

Lindsay: Belongs to Gabrielle Bronson.
Westboro, Mass. Sisters lived 30 minutes from each other. Come on.
Let's go talk to Gabrielle.

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