Chapter 37

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BPD Interrogation Room w/Wife

Jane: We're sorry for your loss Mrs. Randle.

Mel: I prefer Mel. And it's Gaynor- Randle. We took each other's names. The Commonwealth recognizes our marriage. I have a right to know who did this.

Jane: Of course you do. We want to know,too. I also know what you've gone through. I'm gay. I know how we all are treated. I'm sorry. When was the last time you spoke to her?

Mel: Um...5 o'clock maybe.

Frost: Did she always work late?

Mel: Always...on my night out. I'm the, uh, Captain of the LGBT Bowling League.

Jane: Uh, what time did you get home?

Mel: About 10. I called Katie's office, her cell. By midnight I was calling the E.R. and you guys over and over again. You can check with my alarm company, my cell records...bowling alley.

Frost: We will have to verify your whereabouts.

Mel: Understood. I suppose the spouse is always the first suspect.


Down In the Morgue

Jane walks in while Maura is slowly stitching up Katie's body.

Jane: Oh, come on. It's not like she has to worry about the scar.

Maura: Don't rush me.

Jane: Well, multitask then. Time of death?

Maura: The core temperature I took hepatically was 88.4 degrees.

Jane looks at her like "Elaborate Please."

Maura: Killed between 2 and 3 a.m.

Jane: You really do look sexy when you are wearing scrubs and concentrating on the body during an autopsy.

Maura: Well, thank you. You always look sexy no matter what you wear.

Jane: Thank you. Do I look sexy when I'm wearing nothing at all?

Maura: Yes, especially then.

Jane: Thank you again. Also, so do you. Now back to the body. What about DNA from the sexual assault?

Maura: No semen, but I did collect some deerskin fibers.

Jane: So we're looking for Bambi?

Maura: No, Deerskin from apparel.

Jane: W-Moccasins, a Teepee?

Maura: No, Teepees are generally constructed from Buffalo Hides.

Jane: W-Wow (groans) You are so literal.

Maura: But deerskin actually has great tactility. Small pores make it soft, tough-work gloves.

Jane: So no prints.

Maura looks at the body.

Maura: It looks like the assault and the rape happened post-mortem.

Jane: What, she was raped and beaten after she was killed? So what killed her?

Maura: I don't know yet. But...An adrenaline response to panic overstressed her heart which was already compromised by diabetes.

Jane: So why rape and beat her when she was dead?

Maura: Look at this. (She gets an LED light) She puts it on the woman's hand and shows a stamp that says Merch. "Merch" means "girl" in welsh.

Jane: Since when do lawyers have club stamps.

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