Chapter 31

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At the Jail

Guard: Gomez, let's go.

Gomez: You letting me out?

Guard: I'm escorting you to isolation.

Gomez: I'll be back.

Lindsay walks into the jail cell and sees Jane's face.

Lindsay: What the hell happened to your face?

Jane: I need you to get Susie to do another tox screen.

Lindsay: Excuse me. Attention, all inmates. Whoever did this to my sisters face will have to look over her shoulder for the rest of her life, and if it happens again, it will be a very, very short life.

Jane: Okay, Lindsay, please.

Lindsay: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of all your new friends. Okay, the tox screen. Yes. We did it. You were clean.

Jane: No, no, no. Maura has to do a specific screen - for Scopolamine.

Lindsay: Scopolamine?

Jane: Remember how I said I thought she blew me a kiss?

Lindsay: Yeah.

Jane: Scopolamine is also called "the devil's breath" it can be administered - by blowing it in someone's face.

Lindsay: Well, that could explain a lot of this.

Jane: Yeah, what explains this?

She shows the bruises on her arms.

Lindsay: You probably tried to get away. Which one hit you?

Jane: It's not gonna happen again.

Lindsay: Oh, yes, I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding. Did you borrow someone's shank?

Jane: They hate cops. Just get me out of here, Lindsay.

Lindsay: Look, anybody comes close to you, okay, you just go with your elbow right to the throat, all right? Just stay alive.

Back At BPD

Korsak: Thank you. Did I get you out of bed?

Lindsay: No, Cindy and I couldn't sleep, but I think you pulled lover-boy from between the sheets.

Korsak: Hot date?

Frost: Not anymore.

Lindsay: How soon before we find out if it was Scopolamine?

Korsak: Susie's on it, but she said it's gonna take a few hours.

Lindsay: It's a street drug from South America.

Korsak: And it says here it turns you into a zombie. Knew a guy who got dosed with it in Colombia. Dumb place to vacation, if you ask me. The second you're hit with it, you do anything anyone tells you and not remember doing it. He gave up his ATM code.

Lindsay: Yeah, it's sometimes used as a date-rape drug, but Jane wasn't raped.

Frost: Do you think Stefanie used it on her to get into her bank accounts?

Lindsay: Even if she did, somebody still had to kill her.

Frost: You think she had an accomplice?

Lindsay: Maybe. Did you check Stefanie's financials?

Frost: Her bank balance was pretty low. What have we here? A deposit for $9,500. The week before she met Jane at the bar? She knew the kind of art she liked, her favorite beer.

Lindsay: Jane has a facebook page.

Frost: It's all there the beer, the art, details about her job.

Korsak: She did play her. She went to that bar to find her.

Lindsay: And 9,500 bucks tells me she was paid to do it. And then she got killed for her trouble. Korsak, you said this drug will make you do anything you're told to do? Frost, check her bank accounts, and if she wasn't after her money, what was she after?

In Cavanaugh's Office

Lindsay: We have a theory.

Cavanaugh: So, she gave her some zombie drug so she could rob her, then wiped out her bank account?

Lindsay: She had $25,000 in a savings account. I got a warrant and it's empty.

Cavanaugh: Why'd she rob her and frame her for murder?

Lindsay: She was an ex-girlfriend from high school. Amanda Brown was too.

Frost: So, we think Amanda hired Stefanie to hit on Jane so she could catch them, kill Stefanie and frame Jane.

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