Chapter 88

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In the Bullpen

Frankie: This isn't too bad. No. Shouldn't take us more than a couple of years.

Korsak: What is this pile?

Lindsay: 213 clown sightings. We got hobo clowns, fast-food clowns, mimes, evil clowns, Bozo the clown.

Korsak: I must have taken a few hundred of those myself.

Frankie: I can't believe all we have to go on are 25-year-old incident reports.

(box slams)

Korsak: What's the matter?

Frankie: Nothing.

Frost: Doesn't look like nothing.

Korsaks' cellphone vibrates.

Korsak: Lieutenant Korsak. Yeah, where? Okay. Kid was abducted by a clown fitting our description. Grab Jane. Let's go.

At the Crime Scene

Jane: Did you see what happened?

Man: No, no I was making a delivery, and I pulled over as soon as I saw this backpack in the middle of the street.

Jane: We'll need to take that.

Man: The boy must have dropped it.

Jane: Please tell us everything you saw.

Man: I-it happened so fast. All I saw was the clown driving away with a little boy.

Jane: Can you describe the car?

Woman: Uhg-grey, maybe, o-or silver?

Korsak: A sedan? Compact? Station wagon?

Woman: Sedan, I think.

Jane: Did you get a good look at the boy?

Woman: Not really. He looked so frightened.

A woman walks up.

Woman 2: "I'm looking for my son. He should be home. His bus stop is right here. (gasps) That's my son's. That's Kevin's!" She shudders.

Jane: Okay, okay, um, do you have any pictures of your son?

Woman 2: They're-they're-they're in my house.

Jane: Okay. W-why don't we go to your house and get them, okay?

Woman 2: (breathing shakily) Okay. Okay. I just I-I have to call my husband first.

(police radio chatter)

Jane: We failed that kid.

Korsak: No, we didn't.

Jane: Yes, we did. We didn't catch the clown, and now he has her little boy.

Korsak: Jane.

Jane: What?! I'm on a picnic with my fiancé while the killer's out looking for his next victim.


Maura walks into the bullpen.

Maura: I have something. We've identified the manufacturer of the mask through the paint formula. It was made by Every Mask, Inc., and they went out of business in 1989.

Korsak: I'll start making calls, see if I can track down someone who might have records.

Frost peeks out of BRIC.

Frost: Something just came in on the tip line.


Jane: What do you have?

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