Chapter 7

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The Next Morning

Jane wakes up at 5 and has to go to the bathroom. She tries getting up, but Maura holds onto her.

Jane: Maura, come on. Let me up.

Maura: (whines) No. I like my pillow.

Jane: Maura, I have to go to the bathroom. Let go.

Maura: Alright.

She let's go.

Jane: Thank you.

She goes to the bathroom and does her business. She comes back into the bedroom, crawls onto the bed and kisses Maura. Maura moans. She pushes Jane down onto her back and climbs on top of her. She scoots under the covers, grabs Jane's penis and gives her a blow job. They moan. Jane puts her hand on Maura's head over the covers.

Jane: Oh, god. God, that feels so good.

Maura sucks and pumps her hand until Jane's hard enough. She then crawls back up to Jane's face and Jane nods her head. She grabs Jane's penis and lowers herself onto it. They moan.

Maura starts riding her. Their moans keep getting louder and louder. They continue that rhythm until Jane comes inside Maura.

Maura: Oh, god. Jane!
Jane: Maura!

The stop and catch their breath. When they're both down from their high, Jane slips out with a groan.

Maura: God, that was intense!

Jane: Yes, it was.

They hear clatter coming from the kitchen downstairs. They look at each other with wide eyes. They get up, take a shower and get dressed. At 6 Jane walks downstairs buckling her belt with a flushed face and is startled when...

Lindsay: Hey, sis. Have fun?

Everyone laughs when Jane looks up and they see her face.

Jane: Jesus, Lindsay! Don't scare me like that! And yes, I had fun. I know you all heard what was going on. I don't care. We're in love.

Maura walks down the stairs.

Maura: Yeah, well, I do. From now on, we're locking the chain on the door so your nosy mother can't get in. You could've told us you were here. Especially since you brought everyone with you.

Angela: I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd be doing what you were doing. Also, everyone's not here. We're missing Nick, Fin, Olivia, Cavanaugh and Munch.

Jane: Okay, fine. Not everyone's here. Also, ma. Really? Come on, ma. We're a couple. I mean you and dad did it every morning.

Angela: Did you at least use protection?


Everyone looks at each other.

Angela: I ask you again-Did you use protection?

Jane sighs, looks toward the floor and shakes her head no.

Angela: Damn it, Jane! I taught you better than that!

Jane: I asked her if she wanted to! She said no. I'm not gonna force her if she doesn't want to.

Angela turns her head towards Maura.

Angela: So you're the one that didn't want to use protection. Figures.

Everyone looks at each other worriedly.

Jane: What's that supposed to mean?!!

Angela: Janie, she's rich. She's just like the rest of them. They make you think they're in love with you, then you get married, have a kid and the next thing you know, you're getting a divorce and they're taking everything from you.

Jane's by her mother in a flash.

Jane: No! She's not like that! She works for her money unlike a lot of other rich people out there! She doesn't care that I'm not rich! That money isn't even hers, it's her family's! She could care less about the Isles Family Money, she's told me before! If you can't except that, then you can get the hell out of my house and out of our lives! Now, what's it gonna be?!

Angela just looks at her.

Jane: You know how strong I was as a man, ma! I'm still just as strong now! Don't make me hurt you, because I will!

Angela huffs, grabs her purse and goes to walk out.

Jane: (growls) Leave my house key.

Angela takes the key off her key ring and sets it on the table by the door. Then, she walks out. Jane growls and punches the kitchen wall with her left hand hitting the beam and making a hole.

Jane: Fuck!!!

Lindsay gets up from the table and runs to Jane.

Lindsay: Jane!

Jane: Son of a bitch!!!!

Maura also runs to her and checks out her hand.

Maura: Let me see.

She does.

Jane: (groaning in pain) Ever since I met you Maura, ma's been on me about being careful because you're rich. That's not what made me fall in love with you. You could have zero money to your name and I'd still love you. I love you because you're just like me. You're compassionate and caring. You put other people before yourself. You do what you want even if it breaks the rules. You're a badass and I love you.

Maura: So are you and I love you too.

They kiss.

Everyone: Aww. That's sweet. But it's not nice that you made us all cry Jane.

Jane:(groaning in pain) Hey! I'm sappy when it comes to Maura. Get used to it.

Jill: Let's change the subject.

Frost: Damn Jane! You got in touch with your inner black girl. That was awesome.

Everyone laughs.

Jane: Thanks, Frost. God, my hand hurts!!!

Maura: I do believe you've broken it, Jane. You need to go to the hospital.

Jane: Okay!

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