Chapter 41

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The Next Night

A man walks out of a building to his car. He gets in and starts it. Then someone pops up from the back seat and repeatedly stabs him. He hits the gas and hits the car in front of his. He dies. The killer gets out and walks away.


Chapter 1

At the Crime Scene-That Morning

Horns are honking.

Frost: We're waiting on the warrant. Can't touch the car.

Woman: Hey, I've been sitting here for 20 minutes!

Jane: Yeah, Yeah. You're in a hurry for your latte.

Man: Come on. I gotta get to work.

Jane: Shut up! How hard is it to get a warrant signed? Where's my fiancé? (My eyes go wide as I realize what I just said. Everyone there turns their head to me and shouts, "What?!" at the same time.) I groan. "Why did I say that?!"

Frost: I don't know, but she's stuck in traffic.

Jane: She shouldn't wear high heels to a crime scene.

Maura walks up at that point.

Maura: I'm not wearing heels. But, he's right, I did get stuck in traffic.

Jane: Can't get inside yet; we're waiting on a warrant. Also you probably heard, but me and my big mouth just told everyone we're engaged, I'm sorry.

Maura walks to me.

Maura: It's okay Jane. They would've found out sooner or later. Especially, when they'd see my ring.

She gives me a kiss.

Everybody: Stop kissing and get to work!

Jane: What can we do?! The only thing we can do is stand here until we get a warrant! So you can all just shut up!! You don't like it, then don't watch us! Move to a state without gay marriage rights! I don't care! Just shut up about it. In Massachusetts, it's legal and we're in love! Get used to it 'cause we'll keep kissing no matter what anybody else says.

A few seconds later they start honking their car horns.

Lindsay: Alright, already. We're tryin'.

Man: Move the damn car!

Frankie: Hey, buddy, this is a crime scene!

Man: So move the damn crime scene!

Lindsay: You keep interfering, you could spend your weekend in jail.

Jane: Oh, that's why. All the judges took off early for the holiday weekend.

Maura: Oh, I'd like to be a judge someday.

Jane: I'd like to run off and join the circus.

Frost: I ordered a tow. Anybody want to bet what gets here first- tow truck or warrant?

Korsak: Ice pick, huh?

Jane: "Yeah, what do you think, lieutenant?"

Korsak: Haven't seen a kill like this since the days of Whitey Bulger and The Winter Hill Gang.

Jane: "Always sad I missed the Irish Crime Wars."

Korsak: Don't be. Bloodbath from Somerville to Charlestown. I was a rookie, but I saw things...I don't ever want to see again.

Frost: Well, one ice pick doesn't make a crime war.

Jane: Yeah, let's hope not.

(car door closes)

(Big Mo walks up)

Jane: Oh, took you long enough.

Mo: Good Morning, Rizzoli. Look, you can be as bitchy as you like.

Jane: Yeah, what's the male equivalent for "Bitchy," huh? Dick-y?

Mo: Keep 'em coming. I'm getting time and a half just listening.

Jane: Hey, Frost.

Frost: Yeah.

Jane: Get the uniforms and move all these cars as fast as you can.

Mo: Hey, no hurry, my brother. Go into double time in 20 minutes.

Jane: Yeah, and then I go talk to the commander and tell him to hire a new tow truck company if you're not out of here in 10. Alright, get that to the evidence garage.

Mo: Hey! What about him!

Jane: Take him too. And don't charge the city extra, alright?

Mo: Yes, your highness.

Jane: Without the attitude, please.

Mo laughs and walks away.

Jane looks into the car again.

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