Chapter 40

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Downstairs in the Lab

Maura: The deerskin fibers I lifted from the murder weapon...were off the killers' glove. Seams were breached, and DNA tests confirmed that the sweat was from a female.

Jane: Yeah, we already know that, and a male accomplice raped her.

Maura: No, injuries are consistent with a non-biological phallus-shaped object.

Lindsay: You mean a dildo?

Maura: Yes, I believe that is the popular term for it. But did you know that a 28,000 year old stone phallus was recently found in a German cave? Ice Age men were using it for Knapping Flints.

Jane: Yeah, Ice Age women were using it for making sparks too.----Yeah, okay. So if she wasn't raped it's probably not a hate crime. It wasn't a robbery. I'm beginning to think this was personal.

A Little While Later-In the Bullpen

Maura walks in.

Maura: Do you like the flowers, chocolate and the card I sent you?

Jane: (looking through a file box) Yes, I do. Thank you, baby.

She walks to Maura and kisses her.

Maura: Chocolate makes us happier.

Jane: Flowers and Chocolates from you makes me feel loved and cherished.

Maura comes up and sniffs the flowers.

Maura: Flowers have been shown to reduce depression. I know this case is hard on you.

Jane: Thank you for caring about me. I love you.

Maura: I love you, too.

Jane finds the file she was looking for and goes back to her desk. She kisses Maura again.

Frost clears his throat.

Frost: Katie was deleting her search history on her computer.

Lindsay: Why? What was she hiding?

Frost: Don't know?

Jane: Have we checked the wife's alibi?

Frost: Solid. Tracked all her calls- ER, 911. Alarm Company confirms she activated her home alarm at 10:03 p.m. Didn't break the circuit again till 6:17 a.m.

Korsak: She didn't do it.

Jane: How do you know?

Korsak: Got Mel's scorecard from the night of the murder. She's a hell of a bowler. She had a turkey.

Maura: Well, why would she do that?

Jane: Baby, that's three strikes in a row.

Korsak: Wish I could get her for our team. But you got to be divorced.

Jane: (sighs) Can you try to restore all that history that Katie deleted?

Frost: Let's give it a shot.

They restore it and look it over.

Jane: Hmm, spent a lot of time on,

Frost: Online hook-up services.

Jane: Huh? So Katie was cheating on her wife.

Korsak: Somebody posted a message for her the day she was killed.

He pulls up the conversation.

Jane: "Liked our time at the MERCH. Want to play again?"

Frost: Our Vic was having more than a drink after work.

Jane: Can you trace the IP addresses?

Frost: Smart.

Jane: What?

Frost: They setup the website to hide all IP addresses. It protects their customers.

Jane: Yeah, and hides all the cheaters.

Korsak: Why work so hard to get the right to marry-

Jane: To do the same thing that straight couples do? No.

Frost: Hey, Korsak? They kind of...resemble each other. Jane and the victim.

Korsak: You're right. Be a shame to waste an opportunity like that.

Jane: No. No way.

Frost: What? You date girls. We could try and bait a trap.

Korsak: Post the same kind of message Katie did, attract the same kind of woman.

Frost: Arrange dates, get DNA, see if we get a match.

Jane: How? We stick a fork in them?

Korsak: Buy her a drink and take the glass.

Frost: Club owner seemed like she's cooperate. Jane could possibly wear a wire.

Jane: Fine! I'll do it.

So they set her up a profile. She goes on dates, but doesn't get a match. They finally get the club owner to help them and they find out it was Mel that did it. She switched out the insulin pump with one filled with Fentenol. They arrest her.

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