Chapter 29

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In the Bullpen

Angela knocks on Chief Cavanaugh's door.

Cavanaugh: Come in. Angela. What's up?

Angela: Uh, Sean, I have something I have to show you.

Cavanaugh: Okay.

Angela: Okay, but before I do, you don't think Jane did this, do you?

Cavanaugh: Oh, look, look, Angela, I-I can't talk about that.

Angela: Okay, well, this is really hard, and I don't know what else to do.

Cavanaugh: What is it?

Angela: Here, can you look at this?

It's Jane teaching Maura to fight.

Jane: Okay, I just learned this one. It's called the horizontal elbow strike, and it's the most effective tool for close-quarter combat.

Maura: Jane, when am I gonna be in close-quarter combat?

Jane: Well, you could literally kill a man with this move. Come hold the board. Hold it this way. You're lucky I trust you. Ready! - Whoa! - Whoo! Whoo!

He shows it to Lindsay.

Lindsay: So what? She can break a board.

Cavanaugh: Put yourself in a courtroom and act like a cop, Rizzoli. It demonstrates that the suspect had the knowledge and the skill to perform the underlying act that caused the murder.

Susie walks in.

Susie: Sergeant Rizzoli's tox screen is back. No Rohypnol in her system, and, um, we matched the skin found under Sergeant Rizzoli's nails, and it matches the victim.

Lindsay: CSRU report is in. They found Sergeant Rizzoli's fingerprints and her hair in the back seat of her car.

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