Chapter 57

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The Next Day

Fin and Amanda are walking down an apartment hallway.

Amanda: SVU is 84. Domestic shots fired. We're waiting at the scene for ESU.

Dispatch: Copy that, SVU.

Woman: Please, don't hurt me!

Fin: The hell with waiting.

They go in.

Fin: Police!

Amanda: Hands up! Move away!

Man: Bitch, you better bounce!

Fin pushes him into the wall.

Fin: Where the guns, bitch?

Amanda: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Back up! Do not resist!

Woman: Detective.

Amanda turns around and looks at her. The woman "shoots" her gun.

Fin: Got you, Amanda.

Jane: Don't laugh, Fin. You were next.

Lieutenant: SVU detectives tend to see women as victims. You turn your back-- -

Amaro: No, we get it. Lieutenant, we up next? [Claps] Let's rock and roll.

Olivia: I have to go in with him?


Everyone's shooting the targets.

Lieutenant: Range is closed!


Jane walks to him.

Jane: Fin, we want to avoid civilian causalities.

Fin: Captain, if I'm shooting, I'm emptying the whole gat.

Jane: Uh, other than Wild Bill Hickok here, how'd we do?

The Lieutenant walks down the line.

Lieu: Amaro, nice center mass grouping. Benson, dead on. Rollins is Annie Oakley, though. Close to perfect.

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