Chapter 66

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Sunday Morning-7 am

Maura goes up to their bedroom to wake Jane up. She's been up since 5.

Maura: Jane, come on. Its time to get up. Its 7am and everyone will be here in 30 minutes. You need to get up and take a shower before the do. Come on.

Jane: (whines) Maura. Let me sleep.

Maura: If you want a present tonight, you better get out of bed this instant Jane Rizzoli.

Jane: Really?

Maura: Yes.

She jumps out of bed and runs into the bathroom.

Jane: I'm up. I'm up.

Maura: Mm-Hmm. That's what I thought.

She goes back downstairs. Jane takes her shower and gets dressed in a Red Sox t-shirt and a pair of ripped blue jeans. When she walks downstairs to the living room, everyone except Maura and her mother are there. They are in the kitchen cooking. They all look at her.

Jane: What?!

Olivia: We've never seen you in casual clothes. You look--

Jill: Hot.

Everyone: What she said.

Maura walks in.

Maura: Did someone just say that you're hot?

Jane: Everyone did. What do you think?

Maura: Mm-Mm-Mm. They're right. That outfit hugs every curve of your body. And also your back side. Your ass looks very good in those.

The Guys: Uh, girls? You're kinda making us uncomfortable here.

Angela: Breakfast is ready!

They get and go into the kitchen to eat. After breakfast is eaten, everyone except for Maura and Angela go into the living room to watch the recording of Saturday's Red Sox Game. They stay and clean up the kitchen. After the game is over, its noon and time for lunch. They eat and then just sit around and talk until dinner.

Jill: So, when's the wedding gonna be?

Maura: (sitting next to Jane) We're not sure. We haven't had a lot of time to discuss anything.

Jane: I want it to be as soon as possible.

Maura: Oh, my god. Mother and Father haven't even met you yet.

Jane: They're in Europe, right? Do they know how to video chat?

Maura: Yes. But, they don't even know I'm dating you. For all I know they still think I'm with Arizona.

Jane: Okay. You can call them later and we can set up a video chat. That way they can see me and get to know me a little.

Maura: Okay. How is it that you always have a solution for everything?

Jane: Well, if I told you that, then it wouldn't be a secret.

Maura: (laughs) I love you.

Jane: I love you, too.

She kisses her.

Jane: Uh, there's something I need to tell you guys. Most of you know about it, but there are a few of you that don't.

Amanda: What is it, Jane?

Jane: I used to be a guy. When I was 16 I started felling different. I came to the conclusion that I was supposed to be a girl. So, when I turned 18, I had the procedure done and now I am. That's why my voice is so deep. I still have a penis, I just identify as a girl.

Fin: No wonder she's so bossy.

Jane: Hey!

Amanda: That doesn't change anything, Jane. You're still the same person. It's okay.

Nick&Fin: Yeah. It's okay. We got you, Captain.

Jane: Thanks, guys.

They talk for a few more hours then everyone goes home. Jane and Maura go to bed and have a little fun.

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