Chapter 74

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Jane: Found a scarf at the crime scene. Ethan's parents said that Beth was wearing one when they left. It had blood on it.

Maura: Search the whole park?

Jane: There was no body. It looks like an abduction.

Lindsay: The car was abandoned, and we found Beth's purse in her bedroom with 200 bucks and credit cards inside.
So she didn't take off on her own.

Jane: Whoever killed him - Most likely took beth.

Lindsay: And there's only one reason people are gonna abduct a woman - who's nine months pregnant.

Jill: Somebody wants a baby.

In the Bullpen

Jane: Beth Williams, white female, we believe she was taken from Hawthorne Park at approximately 11 p.m.

Korsak: Now, until we find her and her baby, they are all you care about.

Jane: Lindsay, I want you to hit the gallery where her husband worked. Frost, see if there was anybody hanging around Beth or Ethan in the last few days,-

Olivia, Amanda, Fin and Amaro walk in.

Olivia: You need some help. Cavanaugh gave us the okay.

Jane: Yes, I do. Olivia and Frankie, recanvass the park area, Fin and Amaro, go with them and look for cameras in a 10-block radius. Frankie can tell you what's going on on the way there.

Korsak: Now this girl is stickin' out to here. She'll be hard to miss. Sergeant Rizzoli's gonna be in the thick of things, so I'm command central.
Everybody gets OT tonight. Let's find her.

Jane: The girls parents are dead. She moved here out of high school, outside of her in-laws, she's got nobody. Which is probably why she was in such a hurry to start a family on her own. At least she's young, white and pretty.

Korsak: The media will help us. Make sure you notify all the divisions.

At BPD with the Parents

Dad: Our place is kind of small, so Ethan and Beth would drive to the park to take a walk, you know, get get some privacy.

Jane: Is it possible they were buying drugs?

Mom: No. How can you even ask me that?

Jane: Have you seen anyone unfamiliar hanging around the neighborhood lately? Had either of them made any new friends?

Dad: I don't think so, I mean, Ethan was always out working, you know, either at the art gallery or at the mall.
You know, they were trying to save up for their own place.

Jane: How about Beth, was she working?

Mom: Doctor told her to take it easy, she had some bleeding early on. But she wants to go to college after the baby is born. Maybe be a nurse.

Jane: Was beth already pregnant when they got married?

Dad: They were married almost a year when that happened. It wasn't planned.
But they got used to the idea real quick.
They were so excited about that little baby girl. Find Beth and my granddaughter. Please. Just find them.

Korsak: How's he doing?

Jane: It's a hell of a thing to lose a kid. I told him to go home and try to get some sleep.

Korsak: You should grab a couple of hours yourself. This thing could drag on.

Jane: Yeah, maybe later. I'll go make the coffee.

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