Chapter 39

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At BPD w/the guy from the poster

Jane gets to her desk and sits down.

Jane: Uh, "Sons and Daughters of Adam." She turns the flyer so he can see it) That's your catchphrase, isn't it?

Guy: I'm offended to see sacred words associated with pornography.

Frost: How about associated with murder?

Guy: I-I think it's interesting that they sent a female and an African-American to interview me about a homosexual murder.

Frost: You don't like women or African-Americans either?

Guy: Well, I have a right to my opinion.

Jane: Only if you don't enforce it with a 2x4.

Frost: We're gonna need to see a list of your members.

Guy: Oh, surely. I came prepared.

He gets out a gigantic book of members.

Frost: Those are all members?

Man: We're National. Satan is using homosexuals to destroy the kingdom of God.

Jane: I'm Catholic and gay. I'm also a cop. Everyone I know and work with excepts me. I do the city justice. Not cause things to happen. I'm not satan. I don't ruin the city, I keep it safe. (turns to frost) Be on the lookout for a man in a red cape with a tail and pointy ears.

Man: I'll pray for you.

Jane: No thanks. I'm proud to be gay and I have a girlfriend that I love dearly.

He leaves. They walk out and go home.

The Next Day

Jane walks into the bullpen and sees Frost.

Jane: Hey. Anything come up on those background checks?

Frost: Still waiting on that, uh, bouncer from the club and no red flags on anybody here.

Korsak walks in with flowers and a fruit basket.

Korsak: (singsong voice) Somebody's got a girlfriend.

He puts them on her desk.

Jane: You know I'm dating Maura. Also, somebody should mind their own business.

Korsak grabs the card.

Korsak: Your eyes are like pools of midnight!

Jane: No! Come on.

Frost: What? What? He takes it. Yourrr lips are like... Tempur-Pedic Pillows.

Jane: Really? Just give me it.

Frost laughs.

Jane grabs the card and opens it.

Jane: I know this case is hard on you, so I thought I'd try and cheer you up. I love you and if you need to... come see me.

Korsak: Aw, that's sweet. She really cares about you.

Jane: Yeah, I know. That's why I love her so much.

Frost: It's a match.

Jane: Excuse me?

Frost: The bouncer "Robert Thatcher"-It's an alias. Real name is Roy Tomkins.

They look at the computer.

Jane: So that's why he lied. Look at this. Outstanding Warrant-New York City for Criminal Sexual Assault. Come on.

They go find him.

Frost: Hey, Roy. We need to talk to you.

He tries to run.

Jane: Oh, I wouldn't do that Roy.

Frost wrestles him to the ground.

Jane: Whoa! Been holdin' out on me, Bruce Lee!

At BPD-Interrogation Room

Jane: We can do this all day Roy. What happened to Katie?

Roy: Look, I can't tell you what I don't know!

(Jane's cellphone buzzes)

She walks into the adjacent room and sees Maura.

Jane: What is so important?

Maura: I extracted the killers DNA from the murder weapon.

Jane: Who is he?

Maura: Well, there was no match in CODIS, but it's not a "he". It's a she.

Jane: The killer's a woman?

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