Chapter 5

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"...Two and a half billion!"

"...Three billion!"

"...Three and a half billion!"

Hai's bidding price increased at a jaw-dropping speed.

Scarface was still waiting outside Private Room 203.

He actually didn't quite understand why the boss ordered him to wait until the end of tonight's auction if the other party didn't open the door since he had determined the location of the goods.

However, the boss's decisions always have the boss's considerations in mind.

So when the other party didn't respond, Scarface obeyed the boss's instructions and waited in the corridor.

In the private room, Duke frowned when he heard Scarface knocking on the door: "Boss, this..."

But before he finished speaking, Fu Linyuan once again pressed the button at hand seemingly casually, and then the pop-up Click OK on the screen to increase the price.

The host in the audience became even more excited: "Four billion! Guest No. 203 bids four billion!"

Duke: "..."

Taking a breath, Duke reminded in a low voice: "The boss probably won't..."

Such reimbursement Much money.

And it's not like the Marshal has always been against it...

"I know." Fu Linyuan's words interrupted his thoughts: "This part goes to my personal account." Duke knew that

Hai's blood contained ingredients that could suppress mental riots, and he also knew that Marshal's spiritual Hai The situation has become extremely bad.

It's just that before today's action, the marshal didn't seem to be interested in Hai's auction at all.

Even though several of their subordinates tried to persuade him in turn, the other party didn't seem to take the matter to heart at all.

Thinking of this, Duke couldn't help but glance at Yu Bai, who was sleeping on the sofa.

He seems to be different from other seas.

If we can communicate, is it possible to ask him... to take the initiative to help the marshal?

As if aware of his thoughts, Fu Linyuan's eyes still fell on the booth below: "...When he wakes up, ask him for the coordinates of his home planet. If he wants to go back, you can send him back." Duke

: ... ...? ? ?

He glanced at Yu Bai again in disbelief and said, "Boss, are you planning to...send him home?" Did

he hear that correctly?

The marshal plans to spend billions and then release them?

Fu Linyuan frowned and glanced at him: "Any objection?"

Duke touched his nose honestly: "...No, boss, I have no objection."

The bidding price has reached 5 billion.

"Five billion! Is there any higher bid than five billion?"

Coincidentally, it was still the guests in private room 207 who kept raising their prices.

It seems that the sea is inevitable.

At such an expensive price, many other bidders have already withdrawn from the bidding.

five billion.

The guests in private room 207 seemed not to give up yet, so they directly added another 500 million.

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