29-30 March 2024

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After looking through the bus tickets list online, It seems there's only morning bus like the latest is 10:00am. Which mean I have to get up very early and be there which mean I'll have to set off before 8:00am. I could sleep on the bus instead or sleep early before the day. Either way there's no choice, My parents is expecting me to return on that day. I should be fine.

When I search through the seats left for booking, My parents were no kidding. these particular one 10am and 3 seats left. So this means If I have book it earlier days before there will be options for afternoon rides?

30 March 2024

Its 4:30pm, I took a bath and checked in stuff on my laptop. I am curious that should I head out early? To where? Arcade? Yes, you degenerate addict. Well, other than that though. I have to find somewhere to eat as well. Plus, If any works or video games need to be played, I guess I can play with my laptop.Minor inconvenience is, It's raining hard out there. At least it won't be cold. I will just have bread and oat milk before heading out. Or prepare sets of clothes for 5th April Departure?

Today's rained so hard the elevator got into temporary maintenance and unusable, have to take the stairs. Looks like the techs who brought heavy equipment up here got annoyed a bit too. Quite alot of people at arcade today. Might take advantage of it. 

Today's arcade session is crazy...I'm able to collect alot of plays and points from other GUEST players with my cards.I met with this person again. I forgot what to call him. But I'll refer him as YY for now, He's quite humble player. Rich, I have advantages to win in terms of skills in battles but he have skills in playing aggressive with other players in Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune. Sort of the average WMMT chinese player. Who play bought data cards and utilizes blocking. But he have fair share of knowledges about the popular team, news, sales on facebook regarding for the game and know how to make friends. Which that point I like.

We talk to each other usual, Battles. He attempt to take down some of the venue crowns.Until we met the family again who comes every Saturday. This family I know them, ocassionally come with his Wife and his very young son who very love playing WMMT. Before I become friend with him, He's actually the husband of the family, not elder brother.

He wanted me and YY to refer him as "Jasmen". While we are winning and battling his wife and his son. Wife using the FD3S and the son use a GTR34. YY uses White EVO9. He joined in to gully a battle with us and surprisingly he is skilled and we become the rivals and matches for hours in today's session.

I used my ARISTO, Won and lost. Won and lost. Then using my SVX. Won and lost. The battles gets even more heated. Jasmen by no means he is skilled as veterans but he is seriously skilled. Also used my brother's Aventator.Up until the matches I start using my Nissan FUGA. Oh boy, it's a beast in battles but huge difficulty. Although I can't remember the whole details but I'll simply fill in whatever i remember for today's session. Won over YY. Jasmen and his Wife in match. Got the Hawk1 after effortlessly beating them in Hakone 1ST Place.

There's change in my playstyle and patterns although I am not the best blocker but I put efforts in them. Rather than holding back to gain boost. I stay in 1st place as much as I can. Got me very heated.

For the next 5 matches, I won in streaks Which makes me very enlighted and Jasmen is impressed by the power of non-meta car which is evident to him having friendly chat with us later.

At first I was sort of a social neglect, Usually doesn't talk with rivals and opponents. But thanks to YY's friendly hostilality with other players. He is able to hook me into friendly conversation despite my behavior and not sociable appearance. Both of us shares our knowledges and shares of events related to the game itself.It seems YY and Jasmen know about the popular teams in Malaysia KL and news about card sales that can worth up to thousand. He respects my playstyle and collection in cards for the game. I like that, But he is not as overkill as sane WMMT player. He says some people can even buy up to 40 legit card datas that he knows this is unhealthy habbits of spending. I managed to share contacts with YY.Jasmen is used to be like me as 21 years old. Doesn't have much money to spend to play arcade games until he got a family which stopped for 3 years of game after 10 years of playing since 3DX. He's interests in collecting Skyline cars line up, since his son is interested he managed to introduce the game to his son and wife too. And they're not really bad at all, but know the basic knowledge of WMMT. And I share mine. Most importantly is his life advice he shared.After we moved on game topics and suddenly talk about life and stuff, He told me that one day AI will replace the job of many artists and workers which could be dentrimental to the Multimedia. It's the same piece of advice my dad told me.

Which is certainly true, back then AI is not big deal. Now it is, Remember there alot of stuff in the internet even people can't tell the diffrences between real life and AI generated one? Yeah, it is important, which is why It is much more advised to study more about Artificial Intelligence. Despite all that, YY managed to enlight me in the game.

Even though whatever he do is stupid but it's what makes game between friends is fun. Even though I am more skilled than him and looks stupid. He is able to make things interesting and fun. Which for such long time in playing this game. I actually smiled heartly, than just putting a kind smile to others like I'm a waiter. YY purposely shake my driving seat just want me to simulate real driving Gran Turismo feelings and tries to grasp control of the shifter while I'm playing. I mean we are not playing seriously or competeitively, at this point. Just purely goofing around in the game. Although 6 credits were spent today but it is well spent and fullfilling. Plus, by 5th April I am returning back to hometown to celebrate my Birthday as well as meeting my parents once again.Well. Time to return back to dorm and get Fast food meal take away as Dinner. Even though my budgetting seems not ideal at moment but the revenue from my YouTube channel should aids that.

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