24 May 2024

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Maybe this is true or.. I don't know. Today till 2:20pm, I been staying and lying around since I woke up only to be in touch with my smart phone social media app and playing games on my Laptop till the point where I don't wanna play games anymore. Yes, I should go out and eat. And definitely arcade later otherwise my daily calories burned and walking mileage are just critically low. And arcade became good reason for me to go out walk a decent distance to sweat or shine by the sun and air along with road and people.

4PM BATTLE TEAM TAG (WMMT6RR)On the afternoon I am able to buy a blank bandapassport card of YY. But he invited me into a ongoing battles with skilled players, by first I managed to win 3 times in a row. I agreed to Team tag but YY as blocker and me as runner. Well, It's what I do usually but at the same time I support him in the battle. If I am at 1st place but YY falls behind far on last position. I intentionally slow down the opponents behind me for YY for catch up. Think thats the least I can doWe have fun since i managed to win multiple times thanks to his skills although my communication between him is a bit harsh for sarcasm but since he is playful so he take it as a joke anyway. Later Sam arrived and YY wanted to invite me and Sam to join the battle again, Which is after the other skilled opponents left who were friends of YY. Oh and me with Sam tried each other car by swapping driver. Realized his AE86 is nimble and my FUGA is tanky when gully in fight with.

Little later after we have chiled LisaZX arrived also is there but he is bit depressed? I decided to comfort him and support. Apparently he is stressed at driving license for work byt i managed to consulate him. Did it after YY left to eat.

ABOUT TOMORROW MEETTomorrow at afternoon we will be meeting Online discord friend along with other one already met. So thanks to their planning. It's organized plan by time and place. That we be eating together as such. Not sure about arcade but I hope I am not too bothersome to stick with..

SPENT TOO MUCH6 game on my expense, 4 RM worth credits offer to YY since he helped me in team tag battle but I shouldn't. And a game to LisaZX but he really appreciates it.Good thing is there's this members sale offer for credits top up but at the same time I wanna save it for tomorrow Online friend meet-up.Anyway, Adam, Alvin, Patrick & Sam is here. But Sam want to focus on story mode clears.

AFTER ARCADEzF, Alvin, LisaZX and Adam engage in 4-way battle in WMMT6RR while Patrick spectates chatting with Adam's dad. Sam left and said he is uncomfortable through our chat group. Only Patrick and I can say stay safe. Well, I knew something is up that he is not feeling well. And I remembered I bought blank card from YY. Hopefully can put it good use in future. Like Service or register with an account.

I left the arcade earlier by 9:30pm and bid goodbye to them. Since I haven't eat dinner yet I checked on fast food restaurant only realize to close so i went to nearby convenience store and get food supplies.

EXITING THROUGH THE BASEMENTThere is a parking basement below the mall and lead outside where i can directly walk outside, I have learned the path and get around nicely although It is pretty discreet and lead to many service and electrical rooms. All white/gray paint is used. I even came across some of the cargo elevator which is enough to fit a pickup truck in it.Even at quiet staircase by basement the mall music plays throughout entire basement despite quiet and eerily.

WhiteGXRoblox's Slice of Journal 2Where stories live. Discover now