26 March 2024

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I spent the time past midnight just to live stream playing ROBLOX game with my online friend. Dummies Vs Noobs, Decaying Winter, Entry Point, Guts & Black Powder. It's actually fun.
For the Entry Point part we can make out stream highlights video of that one. Its hilarious and fun, I guess games are more fun with friends.

But I am ruining my schedule, despite the Monday English class have been postponed to today's morning. And it's 5am already, I'm screwed. I thought its tomorrow by original time of 2pm-4pm. And the postponed english class is set to 10am-11:30am. That's soo early. Am I going to wake up with 3 hour of sleep? Or I don't sleep at all? Then sleep at afternoon instead?

And one thing is that, I have bit sore oral. I don't know what that is, It hurts on skins and I occasionally need to drink more unless I use oral spray to deal with the pain.

Anyway, Today I woke up fine but the only struggle is fighting myself to get up. I can feel I am not fully rest but ready to attend the English class and watch the dance. I mean, mainly it's just Project Sekai since this is the new video game I am obsessed on mobile.Before we heads out, I meet and greet with the dormmate girls and they are preparing to head out by calling Taxi. Then I requested to join in the ride, bout this time. YH is heading to bath by 9:30pm while we are waiting a bit before heading down.

For some reason, MZ tell me herself that she is resigning from her work at the mall recently and looking for a new job. I responded that I find it weird and asked why. That because she want me know in case I am walking by to check on her at mall when she's at work.

Today's class is fun. But we have to delay our discussion time with other classmates for our drama preparation because how exhausted we are. At very least today's class is fun because of the English questions related board game is there. But the assignment is not difficult but hassle to do because 5 pages of easy questions to answer which we will do it another day.

After the class, at near Library of the college. I finally able to show off my dance moves and have my friend JJ guess the songs. And he is interested, I wonder if I should learn the whole ifuudoudou song's dance moves. It feels very good, and conveniently. I don't have class this afternoon, So I can go eat and come back to college to rest. Since staying at college is much more comfortable than dorm. Plus, I need to ask IT to help clean the dusts of my laptop for me.If I haven't mention this, I think I will buy a bus ticket to return back to hometown since the college semester will be on break for a week. My birthday happens at April 6.|

Thinking all that, this got me tired and wanting to sleep. At least I can rest during these hours of free time in college before leaving the premises by 5pm.

Hahaha, Recent news from my Family's group chat that my dad learn to cook dishes himself and took a photo. Announced by my mom, that's fresh. I forgot how pricey egg is here at the restaurant. Maybe I would save more by not adding it, I still occasionally think about how I should practice my dance moves from ifuudoudou at same time returning to hometown by 5th April.

As I return to college, Kelly went past me and I asked her if she is okay. She told me she's eepy, I guess sometime I better not bother my classmates. At 4:30pm. YH requested me to go to arcade at mall with him. Which is unusual, said he wanna meet and go somewhere afterwards. Recently mentioned he is gonna spend RM 20 for the game which is more than me regularly.. or not. He played so much that his FD3S in WMMT6RR have only 18 plays left before custom color which he also questioned me how to get discarded vehicle card for it as well.

YH had fun, looks like he finished playing and left early said he is planning to go somewhere to meet someone but it's early and left the arcade early after asking me if Im going to leave early and return to dorm. 

Meanwhile, I completed the FUGA's story mode 100th chapters in WMMT6RR. Play it safe and clean, and race through the finish line with uninterrupted Story ending credits, getting the 5DX+ BGM and Yellow Meter. The employee admires my casual and delicate turns with steering wheel while playing it. Afterwards there is this one person who play it slamming or putting too much force in steering wheel then the employee advise him not to... maybe I'm a good influence as WMMT player? Although they have offer to invite me into battle but my excuse is I'm out of credits and decided not to spend too much. Which is the right decision for me.

Since it's still early before Night. YH requested me to go to DIY shop with him which is one floor below the arcade. He's looking for containers or shelves to find in good price. However, it is not boring at all. It actually fun, and makes me discover the fun of looking for stuff we need. At first we scroll through Phone cases. Make comparison and peek talk with each other, we found a foldable table and pointed it to YH.

 That eventually he bought it for RM24 since he can use it to place and use laptop on the bed or on the ground. We help each other during the shopping like I help him hold and carry his heavy purchases or he suggest me products that he points out. We never knew there's plenty of containers to choose within the DIY shop. Food containers, Cleaning sweeps and other products we don't usually see at local mini markets.

At the end, we bought what we wanted. He got his foldable table, container box, and foods. For me, I got seafood frozen chilled in package and a pack of biscuits. Also wondering if there's unique prices or differences compared to the mini market I often shop at. I guess DIY have knacks for variety while the mini market near me is there for convenience. Just like that, YH. Called Taxi just down at the mall's entrance and we returned to dorm by it. Although I never asked if I should pay for the Taxi's fee but for now he is somewhat fine with it.

On the way me and him sitting in the Taxi while the driver drove to our location. We went past what seem to be Lexus GS300. And that particularly model look like TOYOTA ARISTO. Which it is one. The same front and rear end, I was envious to point out this car actually exist in Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune and I main one. It's one rare gems that runs under famous Supra's 2JZ engines.

After we got back to dorm, YH decided to go out again while I immediately stuff my frozen food at fridge and doses off to bed. Just like that, I feel asleep then woke up at 12am. Am I really that tired? Crap....

I have to wake up early at morning too, but whatever. Let's do something necessary to finish before going to sleep, snacks? daily objectives on laptop? Bath?I remembered that time I also being too unlucky in Terminal Scratching in WMMT that I even scratched till the last box hoping to get the reward for 11th page (GTR2017). I must say today's unusual and I must say I'm not disappointed. Oh yeah, the Revenue finally came through to my bank and I'm happy.

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