10 - 12 September 2024

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10 September 2024

The illustration assignment is only portion finished. I hope my lect forgive me that recently I been busy working on other assignments but at the same time he isn't teaching us much. And just giving out work with less guides. Is it my fault or?

I got up today by 10am, but only ready to go out by 11:30am. Looking Outside from my dorm windows. I see free way and there's dark clouds. And it started to rain, I put on my hoodie & umbrella to prevent cold.

This rain, is not small either. Me standing at 8th floor, the breeze and strong wind blow against me. Well, it's my favorite weather though. At least that put me at ease.Too bad I don't have time right now to sit down outside with a chair.Based on yesterday situation, I have to take out my emergency fund from my box. And should sustain myself until payment comes through.

When I walked out the parking lot. The rain is crazy, plus walking over the freeway bridge. And umbrella can barely protect me. The killer is big wind and crazy rain. The puddles from car and road, even walking on the sideway every step is like small puddle to splash against your shoes. My jeans & shoes is almost drenched. Hope the contents of my backpack is safe from humid & water. I think I will take lunch to keep my strength up through cold.

It's a good thing I got my hoodie on be another layer to protect me. Walking through the freeway bridge the wind is so strong I looked up my umbrella it looks as like it's being enduring alot and about to break. Thank goodness compared to everyone else's portable umbrella. Mine one is larger to cover for more range even my classmates comment about it back then.

Okay, maybe this Lect. May not be as effective as teaching as others lect but at very least he isn't strict or violent. Those low blood pressure styled kind of people which make people at ease around them. Perhaps I judge on him too harshly in this Illustration subject. So no lectures were done for this afternoon. He gave me all the times I need to work on this assignment and I am still not yet finished but he did debrief that my final assignment is coming up next week and he kindly reminded what tools and skills I could have use for what I learned until now. For now at 5:30pm. I just complete my personal side tasks on my laptop.

It was raining heavily earlier but now my pants is humid but not completely dry. But at least not raining now and my umbrella is fully dry by hanging by the college's entrance.

Since this is urgent matter of being being a brokie. I decided that I will eat lunch at somewhere cheap as usual but Night I will try to survive with only fast noodle. It's only for few days until 20 September and such. I have to, This is a plan. I decided.

Well, I will still eat an actual if desperate but this is all for the sake of saving money. Until my next youtube paycheck.

I will try my best to survive and not ask my parents or friends for it. This is the challenge I have to fight for next to assignments.Recently my classmate Kelly asked me trouble to help with Booklet of videography. It seems reasonable that she's solo on this assignment that most of us have members of 3. I will help her tonight.

I was furious today. Well, At the arcade I met with Patrick again but he got somewhere else to go soon so I don't bother him.

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