12 June 2024

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Starts at 2pm today, but in any words. It's better to head out early since it's important. I am finally waking up at morning, but actually bath at 11:20am. Let's get ready. Maybe after exam I will get to work on assignments at college.

As for today's 12:20pm, Me with MZ / and / CDY with PENN go separate way to the banks first. But we eventually meet in college anyway. So I joined MZ and followed her lead. Since she have a problem with debit card. See if any assistance needed I can help. Plus, along the way it's nice to have conversations and cross roads with someone.

AFTER THE EXAM:My classmates decided to go 1U and go play bowling ball after exam. Although that was planned days ago, It just I ignored. But I decided to go with them anyway, MZ said to me that its a good opportunity so it said.

BOWLING & ARCADE SESSION WITH CLASSMATES:Few of my dormmates girls joined in this 60 minute sessions Bowling ball game with majority of boys classmates in 1U. Although some of us left, there were one that need to rest at home and there's one need to hurry assignments.I recorded plenty of clips so I can personally share it with my parents. One of us paid the price along with rent fee of shoes so we all pay later.The biggest reason for this is relax after English exam. Yes, the exam is a bit stressful on essay part but nonetheless we are fine.

The boys and the girls plays in separated lane so it's 4 boys and 4 girls match. Out of the 4 of us boys I came 2nd place. Topping 70 scores.Most of the times I can get good strikes are observing how others did it. Spare, or completely miss. It was really fun one-time experience, On the other hand the girls weren't doing well but they had fun.

Later we played at the arcade which is above the bowling place. Chutinum lumious, Classmates JJ managed to score full combo on first game low basic difficult and JJ were also surprised with project sekai song appearing in these SEGA rythms games. But it's not surprise but still.Later when time hit 6:30pm and gotta go then perhaps next time I can show JJ with the MaiMai next time. The expenses are it today. 3 of us boys plays this rhythm game and get to enjoy nicely. There was this oversized chess and we played a bit before heading back. Then checked grocer, finding out the mall near where I live is convenient but this one is cheaper.After we partway everyone, I decided to stay at 1U Mall for the arcade by myself. Plus, I have extra tokens but Id like to keep it until next return. Today's good day

By 8:10pm, I met up with Patrick and play arcade games together. Mai Mai, learnt alot in Rythem games. Wonder it can be good sport. Anyhow I bought a self heating food packaging, The contents is not sufficient to fill hunger sadly but still delicious, not worth the price much though. I mean it's big cities where cooking is more essential to survival. Even the boys classmates reminded me this.

At night, me and discord friends give it a try with Warzone Mobile. It was Call of Duty Mobile but devired to Warzone test play later. It is rather hilarious since I am also screen sharing with the rest of my discord friends.

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