You may find me the strangest of all, If not. Then I am just another idiot just like almost everyone. Based on the writing style, Events & Actions may be more prioritized. I may sometime specific or details times & surrounding places like those I never seen before. You may refer me as "Chin" , "White", "CHX" Whatever you want.
I live with my dormmates. Somewhere in KL currently and my family members and relatives most of them is in hometown & kampungs.
YH, Pen, MZ, CDY and there's me. We are not that close but we know with each other and they are my classmates. YH however is a male teen just like me. The rest is also teens but females and often hang out among themselves. The girls are great cook and us boy just figure best way to go eco. YH recently got hook up with GTA:V's FiveM which I helped him set up and in occasions we help each other.
YH's great friend is Lyhan. My great senior, and whatever he learn in the college I'm studying at is whatever I will learn in the future. In the college, I'm studying for multimedia. These subjects will learn basics consists of Videography, Advertisements, Photography, Animations, History, Colors, Typography, Interface design, Posters design and alot of stuff that will be mostly rely on technology. Which is why every students there have gaming laptops. And I have one too. This gaming laptop is Acer Nitro 5 is bound to stay with me and be trusty to me for years. Work, Projects, Games, Activities, Records all. Computers and Laptops.In the college, I am member of Game & Anime club. As in 4 March 2024, I am the Secretary. Which I was told it's much more important role to take compared to Vice President. Everytime I am done with class, I just head back or pay visit to the nearby Shopping mall I regularly go. About the fees, My dad. Pays them and I feel bad that I didn't use the money I deposited to help him. Since he's been working hard and have to feed the family. My mom and my younger brother. So I sometime asks myself should I work harder on my YouTube channel or find Part-time job which often ends up the answer of I should focus on my study. And do those if there's financial issues.
My father, I love him alot. He doesn't usually get angry and often mistakes I made he turn it into piece of valuable advice and tell me how to be better or over it. I'm not really spoiled, or am I? I sometime get lazy but at same time want to be useful to earn my keep whatever blah blah blah I hate typing bad sides of myself but I am honest.
Yes, as in almost every day. I pay a visit to the mall's arcade and play the game: "Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune" Or just "Taiko No Tatsujin" arcade. I know well it's bad addiction and I play there too much and use too much of my money in it. I don't really do competitive play, If I do. I just play with fun with add on challenges in some video games I play, This goes the same for games I play in my laptop. Using non-meta, intentionally play underpicked or unusual combination of playstyles. To feel "Unique". maybe? But being Unique doesn't mean you're useful and I am not really aware of it too much.
I find myself writing way too much / detailed entire or information about Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune game the series. Probably I passionately love the game. I guessed that's why.Everything that sells in arcade is expensive as hell compared to the streets or my hometown so I don't really shop there alot. Most of the time is just eat. Of course, at that particular arcade. I am not only one there. My friend, Patrick. Is older than me and young adult who love Rhythm games and he started his new job. Me and him sometimes play and talks about Rhythm games sometimes and we play Taiko No Tatsujin. He is much more skilled in games compared to me where I prefer to be much more casual and plays on the difficulty I am fine with and not too low. We still have fun and common together. He plays alot of music games and to opposite I play alot of racing motorsport games.
ZX, CY is another arcade buddies of mine and they often appear together. They're much more younger than me but puts more times into playing Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune compared to me is much more skilled than me. But I find it fun and challenging when playing against them so it's not boring at all. We are not great friends much but know each other and our playstyles and mindset is different so it's hard for us to talk together but I don't really mind.
If not playing, I assist GUESTS or other players when playing this game which range from lending them my car data or help navigate through confusing menus to giving away discarded vehicles cards to newbies and giving major tips and advice when playing Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune (WMMT). Even the arcade employees knows me well, Although Malay language is still a barrier to me because of stupid me didn't study well enough in this national language and speak English most of the time but I get it. My financial situation is not really bad or great. As for now I may overspent my budgets with my YouTube Revenue or use the money I got from my parents as life savings to use it in stuff especially meals. I still have to eat at least, If not I will have to try my best at saving then manage my spendings carefully as I record everything I buy and what I spent and how much is my budget is through my phone's notes.
As for now, I play some ROBLOX games, Racing games and RPG perhaps? Do daily login on Bloxburg, use Bluestacks to have multiple wangan navigators. Play Project Sekai, Or Emulate WMMT on laptop. Entry Point or Operators on ROBLOX on other hand I play it only purposely for my YouTube channel, yes I still have revenue from my channel but it's not much now so It's only pocket money to me.
Often lack of sleep. And clusmy, and usually lonely and introvert, find difficulties making conversations. But I still remain being too kind most of the time which I am aware I might end up being used by others. But hey, at very least. Life is not boring and I have time before I get busy into society and work. So I should be grateful and enjoy about it, As 21 years old me, I should work as much as I can with my youth. This need to be important reminder to myself. Anything I haven't write here I might write them in the future myself.And remember, This is continuation of previous book "Slice Of Journal 1" so anything you want to more about previous introduction of mine or more about me you might find it there, From now on. This book will embrace my new entries day to day what happen in my life so I dementia mind know what happen and be miserable when I read back myself when time has passed.

WhiteGXRoblox's Slice of Journal 2
Non-FictionThis is the continuation of the previous book: White is just his online username. But everyone calls him "Chin" in real life. Quite a literal little brat who never take wor...