4 April 2024

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Shit.... I overslept again till 1pm. Although I have fan on timer but I turned it back on unconsciously. I hate heavy dream

Took a bath, Have cereal then I walked as fast as I can towards college. Finally made it to class despite the hot weather outside. Lecturer scholded me for being late at class and hate to teach everything from ground start in this class what the students that had learned. Despite the serious attitude my lectuerer have to go through teaching me again I have to carefully listen every words since I am late and it should take it in seriously as well.

Fixes to applies in my past few assignments as he guide through, Removing extra frames and lines up with ungroupeded circles. Although lecturer doesn't want us to derive from his method too much so his a bit strict when we accidentally go off route from his method to deal with the work.

What interested me is that for the "Bouncing Balls" assignments. After I reduced the strokes as the guide circles go smaller. The problem of timeframing guide for balls to smoothly slow down on traverse flat land is the problem. Of course, if we want precision between each frame that it slows down till very end of second in frame. Lectuerer had to come out a way to precisesly move the timeframe guide one by one to his. So student can try come up with method for these for us while Lectuerer thought up one.

He followed one of the student to utilize arrow keys by number pressing of times to move interval. But I realized by doing this. It can move 1 or 2 more pixels with a single arrow key it's not fully precise but it's not noticable. So I continued using my own thought up method. Is to utilize Position X and Y values. Increaseing each by each then apply for next frame line one by one, then slowly lowers the increasing values numbers. Lectuerer despise me for not following his but I got the feeling that I should prove this method works and should achieve the same effective result but me mixing with his own method I am able to do it perfectly while other students have it accidentally made it too long for judgement that is extends outside the workspace.

But I still missed one of other assignment work too that missed in class earlier. Thank fully, I catch up very quickly and usually encounter no key problems for overall of this subject so it should be fairly easy for me to finish this then focus on other subjects. Yes, it's hard to Color Study for me but Easy to do animation. Guess in life there's up and down.

After class, I left the premises but I should have tell the staff I am absent next week even though there's supposed to be be Hari Raya Public Holiday but I will inform my other friends as well, But I don't think they care about me anyway. So yeah, I guess I will check-in WMMT6RR at arcade then leave. Then return early to get prepared for early departure tomorrow.

Hmm... I think I should buy snacks and bread on the way back so when I depart tomorrow at least I have something to eat in my bag.

In WMMT6RR I played for 6 games of credits. This veteran player is very skilled and I can't seem to beat him in local versus battles. Which gradually made me a bit sad and when another veteran friend came and joined to battle with him I joined in as well. Apparently these two strong veteran players of the game are friends. And last match ended up me beating his friend and one of them won. Which relieved me that I still stands a chance to beat them, but to become better in a video game I must practice or study more techniques to uses. Maybe If I wanna play this game longer I might have to lessen the style of casual player. I mean, I still kept my chilled and smiley face so it encourages sportsmanship between community better. Well, I should stop thinking for that and think more about meeting my parents after returning by bus. Plus, It's not like this is the only game in world. I still enjoy playing other video games like on PC. By 6:45pm I am already on the way returning to dorm to get ready. Yes, I should work on whatever I need to do first before worrying about unnecessary things. After all, Despite in skill gap, there is stuff and knowledge you still have that others don't. Maybe I am type of selfish person who keep everyone else out and think you're the special one.

But to get this off my heart, I decided to chat this up with my hometown friend, who is also considered as Veteran player in WMMT6RR but glad to converse with me.

RIght back at dorm, My dormmates haven't return yet. I went out to nearby and bought some food supplies as well as bread for tomorrow. I asked my parents that If I should buy something at the city while at it. But they replied that we'll figure it out when we are at KL. Guess that's the correct choices.

At 8:30pm. I figured that it's too early to sleep. So I decided to play Project SEKAI and do daily objectives on laptop for now. I can leave my assignments till another day. I guess I have clothing ready. And mail. the new controller. to return to my family as well as my dad's phone tripod he accidentally left it in my bag.
My brain trying to process alot of stuff and I think to train that when comes to multitasking. Like I was watching and listening Project Sekai chat dialogues as well as writing stuff about assignments into my notes/diary and also keeping note of Wangan Navigators check-in on my laptop. Yeah..

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