6 May 2024

3 0 0

WOKE UPBy 1pm, yesterday I definitely did not sleep well and late. I still have this discomfort feeling that I don't know of, Is it about assignments? life savings? Anyway, I should be waking up and stop laying on bed. The SIM card problem still not resolved so let's just go nearby phone store to solve this issue

ABOUT LAST NIGHTI played too much WMMT6RR at arcade last night and overspent my budget. What is wrong with me, because of this I have to force myself to refrain from spending in credits in numbers of days from now on.

CLASS CANCELED This doesn't mean I should be happy for it. I mean class still occurs and replace on another day, this means I have time to assignment today which I should do.

"NO SIM" PROBLEM PERSIST Because of this I should go out to nearby store to borrow SIM tray ejector and resolve this issue because it keep causing me to have no mobile connection to internet, which is funny in this time of age you have to be connected to internet at all time. And Withdraw some money to have it in wallet just in case E-wallet is unusable. And would be bad to get that problem.

UNHAPPYI still feel unhappy, even though I should after getting new monitor to use as such. I should buy a drink or something really.

CAKE & APPLEI decided to slice an apple that my mom gave me and eat it before it goes bad. At least it's healthy, and there's one more box of cake, I unfortunately wasted it because it attracted ants and I didn't put it in to fridge and the last box I decided that I will give it to my friend Ken. Why do I feel like I am wasting myself and give it away to other people. Gradually feel like being too kind have consequences on me as person. Anyhow, I just done eating my lunch and it's 3:30pm. Should head back to do daily Objectives then solve the issue of SIM soon.

REST & MEDITATIONMaybe recently I been doing and thinking too much. Perhaps after finishing lunch. I will sit down at the park down the dorm and enjoy the bird chirping and wind breezes around me. I heard and advice of meditation of 7 minutes would reflect myself dearly.

APPLESI tried my hands on slicing and peeling off the apples, and came out nicely. MZ greeted me and said she is sick, did I possibly spread the sickness to her? Anyhow, I took out extra apple and sliced another one in a small bowl and gave it her, She said thank you to me. But of course I left with some for myself and it came out okay. But cmon it's only apple.

SPENT AFTERNOON PLAYING PROJECT ZOMBOIDI guess I will head out to check in arcade and dinner

ARCADE SESSION3 game tuning new RX-3 in WMMT6RR, that's all except that me and Patrick are happy to meet each other again. The new shortcut I discovered is not using the tunnel, is to cross busy highway. It's risky but saves alot of time, I have take a roll and try cross when the coast is clear. It's only 2 lane across each by 2, so it relatively fine and it saved me 10 minutes and more.

PLAYED PROJECT ZOMBOID PAST 3 AMI guess singleplayer RPG game suits me the best after all but I shouldn't stay up late like this too....

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