28 May 2024

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8 AMMilk & Crackers as breakfast. Preparing to head to college even no class today.. and uhh. He said to me he is staying and we work on it over the net. So eventually I stay at dorm with him on his own room to work on E-commerce site together. In Figma program. Damn it.

1:30PMSince the morning we stay at our dorm and put progress on E-commerence website and then afterenoon break with my partner through google meet. Yes, Google meet, at least my bedroom is cozy thanks to my new external monitor to create less eye strain & recharges on my Air conditioner's units.So far the miscommunication problem is less of a way. Since we getting somewhere there on same mindset. Since my partner doesn't have much independent thinking which mean he is completely under my influence that I Need to be the mastermind to tell him what to work on while I work on something for me to check with discussion later. I mean, he is good but his efforts is bit simple which twinkle my mind. Considering his aspect combining with mine could work.

Overall for this day's progress. We managed to get the basic header done, the categories side bar and interactions of them done. Promotional banners that change page every 5 second or so. Like ads or promotions hanging at top page to tell customers what we have around this time.And improving the use of our intended color pallete. Only footer left before we focus on other essential elements of the other pages. But the catch is Footer also includes every other page as quick open to page link but it's not all page planned out and we have to glance to our site map to get back on track what is needed to be done before extra work need finishing.

7:30PMI worked together with my partner throughout and till evening. This is good enough progress, continue another day and I feel very great about it.Our most satisfying work is the banners. Satisfying Interactive banner of 3 brands selection that goes on Figures section. That mouse hovers over, the characters within the frame moves. Background change and the game logo appears on the side of banner with contrast and colors in mind thanks the Typography & Color study learned from other class subject. This helped us to work on designing in visuals. I posted a small clip about it from my YouTube channel, you can go there and watch it if you like.

Yes, I forgot to mention we are working on E-commerce website, with "Figurine" in main focus of our products.For our footer of the website, I wanted to include the payment method and privacy policy. But for accounts page I don't know how to work around that since Figma is about drag and drop and prototype connections than just coding what it does. So I don't know how to get the input field box works or direction of account pages.Even other dormmates is already returned from class. My partner is great friends with my dormmate so wanted me to open my door and say hi to them. Bit of a rush but I decided call it a day with him say we will continue another day in mind and say we did good enough today with progress as motivation to the team then head out for dinner and arcade.

WMMT6RRAdam's father and Adam is there. Nothing else arcade buddy or regular to notice about.In WMMT6RR almost lost rx-3 streak at 78th chapters but saved with power switch. Which is not allowed but I cant believe even with me can make mistakes time to time, even far that I am confident that I say I play safe and go through every chapters in the story gamemode without losing. I guess overconfidence is a slow killer.

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