14 April 2024

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The day to return is here, Waking on 6:40, the time is a bit tense since my mom have to wake up and prepare to take me to bus station. To board the bus that is going depart by 7:30amAll the stuff are zipped in a bag, my mom stored the food like dry cake, breads that she offered in a tote bag for me a carry. Although there will be more cargo to carry back to dorm for hassle but it is what I can. Hopefully my brother take cares of himself. That he will need to take medicine regularly, he told me himself that there will be holiday from school and dad will take him to hospital to check-up.

My dad is tired so he woke up just to say goodbye to me and hug while my mom take me to bus station.

My brother decided to wake up early and decided to send me to bus station by car. Which is his special occasions to see me before I will be off back to city for a while again. Before I entered the bus, My mom as well as my brother hugged with me. That I will be the time promises them I will be fine at the city and will take care of myself greatly.The bus probably take around 3 hours to get to the Bus station centre in the city. At the mean time I am just hoping to not get toilet break anytime soon and once I get back, I will set back up everything and back to my daily routine of checking in the arcade and then work on my assignments.

Got down the bus, a handicapped senior citizen asked me for directions where to the train station and I pointed. Anyway, These bags are heavy as hell as I have to be the man carrier for those. Everyone else seems to carry light except the bus stations. I am gonna be load free when I got back to dorm. When interchanging train stations, I met one of same college senior student. Is he planning to meet someone? We waved each other but entered opposite direction of train station at same time.

Got back by 12pm. The sun is blazing hot, Sweating hard. On the way, I been nothing but a heavy carrier, although the stuff I carry is not really heavy. It just poor grips handles. I haven't meet anybody at dorm yet, so I guess I will organize the stuff on me and go bath. After that, it's all my free time, I can go arcade, do assignments or relax before lunch.

I never have this many perishable food because the bread and cake my mom gave me so I have to put them into the fridge. I might just wanna go to toilet before finishing organizing my stuff.

I felt cooked (burnt) when looking on assignment, I have that feelings I should eat what my mom gave me and go out to have a walk. Probably eat lunch, and arcade probably get the pressure off my chest a bit.

I went out by 3:30pm, probably I am just tired. Wanting to have fresh air. Or it just an excuse for me to go eat and arcade. Recalled that my mom also gave me loaf of bread that will expires or stale within week so I guess I will take her advice to pair it with tuna and warn it in microwave for next few breakfasts.

Without further ado, ended up at mall's arcade again. It seems the appearance of pets being in personal trolley cage is increasing, probably because there's pet store or some rules being lifted but theres still rules of no pet zone. (5:20pm) Been battling with strangers and one of the arcade buddy alot, There are wins and loses. Well that's what make it intense, sometime you need to lose in order to make up to win. Some metaphor like that, anyway, I felt a slight headache and I sat down somewhere outside the arcade to take a rest. And it seems like the other arcade buddy is coming to sell the arcade to me.

It's now 7pm, and I haven't see the arcade buddy that is going to sell me the card. Made me kinda feel like I wasted my time here but at least I got the new respray color for my Nissan Fuga in WMMT6RR.

Somewhat disappointed to know that this arcade friend of mine are not able to make it today for selling me the Bandapassport he's offering. But ended up meeting Patrick instead, he is nice as ever. Despite my eepy attitude he still treat me as usual. Play Project Sekai Co-op show together. And we talked about the creatives of Custom profiles as well as checking others then talk about learning the dances from the game.When I left the mall, I find it outside raining and feeling weak. And come to my mind that I realized, I haven't eat anything since this afternoon. Anything but the bun and an boiled egg from my mom prepared food for me, So I went to the cafe down the dorm to eat as dinner (8pm). I met the girl dormmates of mine happened to be down here. I greeted them while sat at next table & seat.

The lack of storage space and bottlenecking GPU monitor issue still bothers me whenever I use my laptop, I have to search methods and help to deal with it myself...

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