17-18 July 2024 - YH, and I, the car nuts

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17 July 2024

I woke up by 9am, Bath at 10am. I plan to head out by 10:30am, with the time I have I think I can do breakfast and voiceover for video before college?

As I was editing the video, I somehow using paint to crop some photos. Like, What the hell is wrong with me? I learnt Adobe illustrator & Photoshop from college. I should use these tools and skills i learnt to effectively edit these photos.

Although I haven't done editing the video but there progress and pattern so It should be easy to follow when continuing editing the video. Plus, the voice over is done at dorm. I head out by 11:40am. It's gonna be same as usual as 30 minutes walk to College from Dorm. At least the weather is nice cloudy and windy. The streets is just as usual. Huge passing traffics coming through, construction constantly working on nearby.

Today we learning "Storyboard & Art Direction" or known as "Digital Videography" For this one at least, I won't be alone like yesterday. But today's its combined with other classmates since the teacher is same despite different subject name. And we learn about Planning and Videography. It's good for me to line since I am editing small time video & following an anime that is about acting. That is good... And also this Lectuerer have interesting way words & pretty chill. He have this assistant with him is also formal and chill too. Although he is pretty new to this college as part time lectuerer but I like him.

Today we just learn knowledge about films productions and roles with responsibilities. Another thing I learnt is the Gantt Chart. Which is graphic visualization of schedules timeline for crew to work on.

After class, I decided to stay for 3 hour. I was editing video until college is about to be closed at 6pm. I am still worried about my spendings and savings but either way. I can continue editing this video back at dorm. To finish today. Back at dorm, Ignored snack time and bath just to finish this video, processing, composing thumbnail, subtitles and writing to finalizes this video of mine till 12:30am. It's Operators Demo video about loadout and perks. Since this is gonna be target audience video I hope it's gonna be good. But I have class the next morning, I should sleep soon.

18 July 2024 - YH and I, car nuts

Hopefully the video I posted recently will be a good success.Also YY invited me to play tag by WMMT tomorrow. Not sure if it's a good decision, either way. One he convinced a way to play less is him doing 30 credits per week. Although he reloaded alot but plays less. That's the point which reflected him being rich but also considering. I am not sure If I should really stick around with him but he is interesting person to play with. But he treated me okay so I am not sure if I still want to... Either way, I am gonna have to expense a little but it's what I want. I guess even though If I save I might still need to use some of that emergency money fund of mine in my closet. It's sad of how low I became. Until then, I have to wait for my YouTube revenue at end of the month.

Likewise, It's nice that the class is not just me and teacher."Digital Publishing" is the class today. The other day subjects I touched are "Storyboard & Art Advice" + "Digital Illustration" alright then.This morning I ran into my crush in elevator this morning and I decided to ask her and her friends is it okay for me to join the taxi together. I mean, it's make sense since it's advantages to split into smaller bills the more people on single ride. But she's okay with it. But I missed out on buying buns as breakfast so this class I have to stay up until afternoon.

Likewise, It's nice that the class is not just me and teacher."Digital Publishing" is the class today. The other day subjects I touched are "Storyboard & Art Advice" + "Digital Illustration" alright then.

This morning I ran into my crush in elevator this morning and I decided to ask her and her friends is it okay for me to join the taxi together. I mean, it's make sense since it's advantages to split into smaller bills the more people on single ride. But she's okay with it. But I missed out on buying buns as breakfast so this class I have to stay up until afternoon.

After class, which ended very early by 2:30pm. YH is willing to take me to drive me and his friend to the mall. The seniors too, most were education and work conversations which I interested in listening them. By 3pm, we eventually got to the diner next to the arcade. Of course, As composed self. I sit down to safeguard their stuff by diner while they visit Diner a bit. Probably because If I do go, I am not playing either and it would be embarrassing to show I have the car datas but not playing. Showing off was never my intention, Now I treat this game as fun side now than a habit.

Well, they ate and we left together return to dorm. It's gonna be weekend soon. Although there's no assignments there's plenty on time to work on anything I haven't do or productive with long term tasks in hand.

Afterwards, I found out that YH is a Hotwheels car toy collector. Experienced selling few on social media and even buying them. Buying few that is limted and valuable but it always in front of random riced models at the vendours. Even took me around the visit at other one at different mall. But he is fine letting me to explore around the products and grocers of the different shopping mall first before his goal me with him.

By near the evening. YH willingly and decided to help me and drive me back to dorm since that's also his intention for himself. But we ended up going to other streets of where we live nearby to sightseeing at luxury, exotic cars. We both got into car nuts. Mutually agree comments on parked cars around the facilities, car services center.

I even get excited and agreed to exit the vehicle and take photo for him and myself too. Honda S660. Alot of ferraris, Plenty of Porsches and sometimes old carrera porsches too. Even one of few foreign one, "Cadilac", likely 1941 Series 62. Recognized by distinctive grille and headlight design. even though we both are somewhat ameteur when comes to car knowledges and thoughts but we both equally know for each other and have long long conversation on walk and talking with him in his car.

Back at dorm, We continued our car guy love & talk in GTA V (online mainly). Doing heist missions togethers and eventually him buying and selling vehicles in this game. Showing each other our car collected models. Sharing thoughts & knowledges. Like "Oh, I know this car. It's bad off ----" "Damn, didn't know that added these" "Yo man, that's actually clean" "If you think about it, it make sense for design to be this". We gamed in YH's dorm till 1am, which was point till we are super tired and go sleep in our own dorm.

At 3am, I am cooking fast noodle. I neglected my dinner because wanting to save and spending time with my dormmate. About the next afternoon. I assumed I will be meeting YY on arcade with my tripod since he encouraged the idea to record and improve.

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