17 May 2024

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WOKE AT 1PMI woke up late again, even I didn't stay up too late yesterday. At least I have a good sleep.

IDEA TO STREAM & DO ASSIGNMENTSWhat if I.... Do stream and assignments at same time at very least I can have activity on my channel and someone watching me to encourage me doing stuff even though doing those at college is preferable but still it's a good idea to do recently.

MANAGED TO HELP A CHINESE NON-MALAYSIAN ADULT COMMUNICATE WITH A MALAY CASHIERThat's about it, The Cashier was Malays and the customer is a China Chinese who struggles to ask the cashier since she doesn't know how to speak English/Malay, thankfully just I am done getting the items at the store and to cashier. The cashier pointed me out to help her with communication and surprisingly did well even its my malay is terrible.

I DONT WANT TO MOVEToday, I felt like not productive and not doing homework even playing games. Just sitting on chair in front of desktop doing nothing and watching YouTube. Preferably laying on bed, despite sun shines bright outside after eating lunch down the block.

NAPPED TILL 7:30PM FROM AFTERNOON WTFFor odd reason, Earlier I indicated and said "I don't want to move" and I literally obeyed my mind. Like when I am in my dorm and feel like not doing any assignments at all nor anything productive. Mumbling myself "I don't want to do anything and lay on bed" like I am not even interested in playing video games on PC and probably wanting to go out instead.

HMM?? FELLOW KNOWN CLASSMATE DOING PHOTOGRAPHY AT WALK BRIDGEAs I walked through the usual highway bridge like usual where there's busy traffic crossing I saw a few peiple on otherside who looks familiar with a long Tripod. Oh it's the senior couple, who is doing photography shot over the 8pm night over the highway with their digital camera. I walked up and greeted them, Then continued carry on my way to the wall... Humm, Are they shooting a video or? Anyway, I should be doing my assignments Instead and got down.

MY LAPTOP OVERHEATED ITSELF AGAINAs I got back with my take away fast food dinner I realized the temperature of my laptop is heavily hot. Even though it's in sleep mode and not on charging (on battery) I tried to turn on and no response, and immediately try cool it down at freezer. God damn it, How did this happened again. I guess I will try start it tomorrow or something. If it's dead I have no idea what to do. why is it still generating heat even though it's not started??Okay, It still generates heat even though it's not turned on. And there's still battery blinker lights. And now indicate it's running on low critical battery, So something is on and draining the battery because of this. I think it can be a fire hazard if it generates heat even though it's not run. I lay it on floor and not near a flammable object. Crap, If this really happened I can't proceed with my assignments E-commerce, Animations. Color study's A3 coloring painting is doable, but the main concern should be my laptop. I need to do something, Tomorrow I will take it to authorized store and get this repaired immediately. This is critical.

Okay, Dont panic. Maybe give it some time and try start tomorrow. The assignments I only can do is painting, I surely can get that done. Since it's done on watercolors paper, Not digital. If problem persist, I take it to authorized store to repair.

After the battery is drained at 11pm,I plugged in the charger and turned it on, it works but it seems to be updating and restarting itself as soon as it's turned on. I remembered there was incoming windows update in 3 minutes before I put it to sleep and head out. So that's what happened?

DAD SENT A PACKAGEEarlier my dad told me he sent Cordyceps sinensis capsules to me, like the supplements I have back then given by mom, said I will recieve it in packages another day.

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