5 April 2024 - Early Birthday

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Last night It was tough to sleep, I keep laying left and right side back and forth and change my sleeping position and how I hold my pillow and stuff. Knowing that I need to wake up early tomorrow. I also set a timer on my celling fan so If the fan is turned off when times up, I will wake up or know the time is up without alarm blaring or it blares if I sleep too late. I glanced over to my zipped wardrobe. Packed up bag, tidied up my desk and my clothing hangers. Like I am leaving this place and fear of not coming back, we'll supposedly I should be happy that I am returning to hometown. But it's only for a week before I come back so I should like enjoy the time at hometown with my family members. That would do.

After 2 hour, Yes. I checked. It was 2am. I am finally comfortable to sleep, but for some reason time passes really slow while I was sleeping. Like I am just napping with eyes closes or laying without eyes open on bed. But, I have alot alot of dreams that is visible because the room is fully dim and dark. One involves a situation that my items were stolen from my bag. Or I am in video game with my online discord friend, fearing I make same mistake to upset my friends. That sort of weird events dream. But no matters, when the exact moment the fan turn off itself. I am awake, know that. This is the time.

At 5:40am, Woke up, Took a hot shower, Clean up my showers basket and stuff covered by towels and cloths. Putting & organizing everything I need in my laptop and duffel bag. Utilize every last space and fill them to the brim. Not on purpose but everything essentials organized, with stuff that I could need the most in time on top and least at bottom. Like managing space in Resident Evil Games. At 6:35am, It was the time that I am having my breakfast with oat drink and crackers. Decided to keep the cereal and bigger crackers for next time I head back.

But for today, I will return with the iconic olive green outfit and the olive shoes that I haven't wear for long time since my parents bought it for me because discounts.

Shouldn't waste time watching YouTube. It's 6:50am, If I need to take toilet break. This would be the best time, If not, I am boarding the bus for 3 hours hopefully it doesn't pain me to not have toilet breaks. Because it doesn't, Time to equip bags on back and another on hand.

Can't say much, But I'm used to carrying heavy bag of my laptop on back. But not this duffel bag that only offers short handle than a long one that can wraps around your shoulders and neck. But It is easily dealt with carrying it with hand under. Can't say much but I can convince myself to be a heavier carrier.

Damn it, By the train station I missed a stop, I have to go on reverse a stop to get back on route. Yeah... sometime relying on Navigation app is not always predicated but have to check it by eyes.

By 8:30am, I managed to get here too early. Which bus arrives at 10am. Well, I can rest around the bus central station for 1 hour before setting off. Perfect time If I need toilet break right now. Decided to sit down at interior convenience store and eat cup noodles.

Thinking about it while watching and feel like there's no air conditioner, I just realized I didn't bring out the apple juice bottle I bought yesterday. Guess it will be sitting at dorm's refrigerator for a while now. Well, at least I filled up my water bottle mixed with Vitamin C tablets. To keep the drinks sweetened. Let's try take a toilet break before boarding the bus.

Damn! I am back at hometown again, it's almost felt like I just left yesterday. I only managed to check-in at the hometown's arcade WMMT6RR. Even though I didn't notify my parents they got here either way waiting for him, so no seconds lost I immediately knocked on their car and greeted my family members.

Went to nearby cafe and ate lunch. Judging by the weather. Over the time chatting at the restaurant with my mom and dad. I shares over new colour study and others I been working on and study what I recently learned. Throughly explain to my dad what typography and design theory have been place in official posters.Returned at home I hand over insurance mail and new packed controller to dad to handle it. Hometown is certainly hot and thanks to the air conditioning it is very relaxing almost sleep next to my mom playing GT7.

I haven't meet my brother yet for my return, So I asked my dad that if my brother has finished school for the day (At Friday he now have musical training as small leader). Time to pick up my brother by driving to school myself AAAA THE CAR IS HOT AS HELL WHY MY MOM PARKED THE CAR OUTSIDE DIRECTLY UNDER THE SUNLIGHT.

My younger brother already knows my arrival so he treated it as he expected it. But I am sure he is happy to see me, That's just like my typical younger brother. I wonder if he's fine with study but he's very good with saxophone.

At 5pm, My mom went to pick up the little nephew by the time I returned with my brother. Of course, I still know how to drive my mom's car around town and basic discipline. My dad wanted to take me to barber to give me a haircut but the barber seems very busy so that's for another day. My younger brother suggested me a style I should go for since my hair is long enough to cut with more variation to go with.

Even though tomorrow is my birthday they decided to celebrate it early tonight. Since my dad have to depart the next day early morning to have business trip somewhere in KL. My hometown friend wanted to go play WMMT by 10th April. But that's for him going somewhere else. If I want to meet him, that's 7 April. 1pm at the hometown's the only shopping mall that have WMMT6RR arcade. I expected there will be alot of players there and my brother is busy training at school so he couldn't come. But that's better outcome for him, I don't want to influence my brother. But have to ask my parents if they have plans for me that day. Since the purpose of me coming back only for 8 days is to spend times with parents and family so I don't want to derive myself too much for selfish purposes. Who knows, when I graduate and get work there will be even less time to visit my parents and would be to pain see them getting old and such. So I should treasure every seconds and minute with my parents instead. I know I am only 21 years old but still....

Onto funny part, I unintentionally wanted to show my dance moves off my parents but it is very embarrassing to do so so let's not decided not do that again.My family gone like: "Let's go out to eat at night!" To Celebrate my birthday, ah. Not this again, It always get me flustered when people celebrate over me or become attention. Supposedly we celebrate my birthday with cake at secret recipe restaurant but all seats is reserved and I came up with idea tht theres one cafe we used to dine in before and it's very good. Conveniently, there's a cake shop next to it. My dad knows my habits of choosing meals that is cheaper than other and he often brag me to choose something good for once in a while.After Dined in an cafe and have cake slice for everyone. My dad, my mom, my younger brother, child nephew and grandmother. Throughout the day, I haven't eat anything this far satisfying for a long time. So I should savor it.

Celebrates my birthday with the cake back at home... It's warm and happy I guess. Even though I used to not wanting it to celebrate. But I will be positively celebrating this time properly.This flavor I chose this evening. Is Cappuccino, although my brother could have wanted Green tea flavour but my dad want me to pick it myself.Like usual, despite my brother usually have that neutral mood and reactions whenever we are together. But often end up having a long conversation with my younger brother back at home before we are off to sleep at night. Ready for the next day together as family.

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