13 March 2024

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I woke up at 7:30 am, And then the alarm of 7:40am. When sunrays shine through the curtains then to my eyes, Before I realizes it, It's already 9:11am. Crap... Class already started by the time I woke up. Took a bath, quickly. And thought about it to have my cereal breakfast normally. Felt like it's pointless to rush out with bread in my mouth. It's better to have normal breakfast over being at class. But still I cannot go too late being into the class or I miss out too much to learn. Plus, my dad paid for it so.

Anyway, I managed to walk as fast as I can, pack up my bag. Stuff my water bottle. My A3 papers folded in half into it. Goes with my laptop, charger, mouse, controller just in case I wanna game. and Taiko Drum Stick. It doesn't take up too much space but not too heavy either way. The reason is just in case I play Taiko No Tatsujin in arcade myself or borrow my stick to Patrick since he's usually return straight away and meet me at arcade from his job that he doesn't bring it himself. He told me about his job that his colleueges is quite pleasantly friendly and there's benifits for being in office is the drink and snacks.

We getting off topic here, okay. Here I am, arrived on class on time. Thank god the air conditioners were good or I will sweat out entire class. Today me and classmates learn about Hue & Saturation as well as factors of CMYK.

The lectuerer of our interface design class has called off since the lectuerer himself lost his voice and got sick. Everyone in the class sort of cheered but makes me laugh how humanity has fallen apart.

Humm... I decided to stay at college until it's near closing time. I decided to borrow their TV to play PC games using my laptop and my controller. WMMT6R and Nightrunners Prologue, Lyhan is also there to meet the lectuerer which was sick, although I politely ask what is it. But it's related to trip to Sarawak but since it's their personal matters I won't dig further into it. Ah, I forgot I should find products for color assignment and deposit.

Feel like, I did a bad thing in WMMT arcade. Today's arcade session was pleasant until I accidentally messed up and possibly upset someone. These two men were playing by side, but weren't battling. Since he cleared some of the progress with Bingo. I kindly asked him if he want to combine. He just keep saying mhm. I pre-assume he just takes ignorance of me. Since he have his local versus accept on, I joined him with my main car data and ultimately win him because he is somewhat underskilled and the data seems to be bought data and not fully tuned yet and beat him in Taikan (830hp vs 840hp)

He doesn't have much reaction of it but he decided to refuse to continue challenging me and return to online ghost battle bingo.

This is the part where I did my mistake, Since I am doing story mode. I untie the wires of the cabinet charger to check which one is connected to my drive unit and terminal and without knowing I accidentally pull the cable of the terminal causing every machine to lose connection and made the guy earlier unable to use his bandapassport. I don't know If he know I did it by accident myself. I quickly plug back the port with my feet. Me and his friend is still apparently still saved progress because it happens in ongoing match instead of initial where game ask you to scan your card.After Im done, I went to spectate the nearby Maimai player who did full combo in this particular arcade.

That guy earlier returned to playing online ghost bingo. When he is about to get up and leave, I kindly ask him if we can combine bingo balls he say mhm and then actually walks off while me waiting at terminal waving hands at me. Does he know? It kinda makes me a bit upset but I went and talk with Patrick how happened to be playing Taiko No Tatsujin doing Dan I Dojo as well. Afterward, I mention to him that I have some progress on Bingo Challenge then combine it, it wasnt enough to clear one line but I told him that it's okay you don't know to help me complete and continue doing Crowns.

Anyhow, Patrick and I decided to team up to do Bingo together. And I sponsored him one game for it. And he got it done, although there are set back like faulty shifter that interrupts the game. At least that relief, I think we can call it a day.

Why am I feeling bad about the person earlier? I should be furious instead. For ignoring me and disrespecting me. Maybe I am acting too nice to everyone, till the point what If someone is going to attack me physically, yeah I better stay my guard up, anywhow. I call a day goodbye with Patrick. Since he's been rough in work too so I wouldn't bother his time too much and thank.

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