10 June 2024

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I guess it's not limited to arcade, applies well to video games I passionated playing as well. which is the recently installed Vintage japanese game got me too hooked. I guess I will sworn to work on the assignment I mean website after I wake up...

WAKING UP AT 3PM:Then lazing on bed till 4:30pm. What is wrong with me.. Anyway, The day after is the exam for English. And I still need to deal with it, Is it me who can't deal with burnt out or I need something refreshen in my mindset. I scrolled YouTube feed and reached the Time limit for hour watchtime that I set it up myself to stop myself. but a shower thought to regain my mental.

SHORTEST ARCADE SESSION:I only left after spending 1 game arcade credit. Knowing I have assignments progress to check on at exactly 8pm. So I head back to dorm by 7:25pm. I met Patrick along the way but he is gonna play at 1U soon. No worries, after the all assignments is done. I will be free. Just need to dedicate myself to clear them, get my head right and not overwhelm by emotion

DURING THE NIGHT, ASSIGNMENT:At the end, Lectuerer did not call to check progress. I am a bit disappointed though, It was well expected but no ring or progression check notification from lectuerer, So at the night, I am working on my own with the Interactive Media Design E-commerence website. As well as having conversation meantime when we working our own that in case we can help each other with the identical issues assignments.And uh, I scored Fully Tuned Ticket on one of my Wangan Navigators. Yay? After some thoughts, Think I am well satisfied with my car arsenal. Plus, I already have 1 Fully tuned ticket standby for 6RR+ Newer version car model and my brother got one but he yet to decide himself. Plus, my recent built RX-3 have cost me alot, So I decided to ask YY to help me to sell car data. Though I treated him bit harsh but I contacted him hoping he can guide me through.

HAPPY TO CATCH UP THE SERIS ANIME:Mushoku Tensei, They been releasing fairly plenty of new episodes. I haven't been checking it out recently, But past 3am. I enjoyed watching few episodes of it. Restoring my spirit. Well, I gotta continue work on interactive media design the other day.

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