21 June 2024

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Well, not exactly. Now my main concern is just manage my budgets and rest, eat well. And tomorrow I gotta mind what to bring and method to return back to my hometown. It still feel unusual to have break time, but at least I can play with my friends all I want. But the needs of wanting to play increases when I work on something productive.

Aw dang it I only started sleeping at 9pm after playing for too long. I guess afternoon I will have McDonalds. Woke up by 3:30pm.

At 5pm, after I bath. I joined in conversation and do assignments together with dormmates MZ & CDY. It was surprisingly relaxing.

Share our point of view on our color study assignments. How we joke around with our college & studies. I managed to finalize the color study our individual designed festival poster. For mine one I have trouble applying white colored texts onto a dark background where a black texts on bright background can be done easily since white is the most obedient to be affected by other colors where black is resistant to colors to most since it absorbs all colors. MZ & I showcased each other interactive website design. She have minor mistakes but she executed nicely and I like the header she and PENN designed. For MZ she is astonished how well I made including the functions. But it is reasonable since we only have 2 assignments on this subject so working more efforts than usual is required. Initially she was only interested because their great friend is a member of my team project.

With the time they have left they work on the final assignment of color study to improving what's left & 2D animation meanwhile I head out to eat and meet YY at arcade by 5:40pm.

ARCADE SESSION:YY invited one of his friend, me and Jasmine to join in a WMMT6RR tag battle. Well, the results are clear. Me and Jasmine are able to dominate over YY and his friend. Jasmine being a very good defender/blocker while I been blocker. Although I try to hold them down for Jasmine to catch up if he is at last place. But Jasmine tell me just run, Despite my emotionless facial they still have their fun. And uhh, I just hope they don't see me as a sweat and just wanna have fun.For one game me and Jasmine swap seat for him to try the RX-3 data and me using his R34 but still won at last clutch. Anyhow, I think my behavior is too sincere today. Before they head back, I managed to take down a few venue crown with my SVX car data.

Since I have nothing much to do, I guess I will head to Sunway Velocity to meet up with Sam & Patrick to watch the tournament of WMMT6RR.

PLAN TO RETURN TO HOMETOWN:Since semester is over. I should return to hometown. Also that I only have at least a week time before I return again. So I gotta plan and make days count.

Biggest concern is that, I didn't submit the final assignment of my 2D animation. Hopefully it's okay and get pass grade.

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