19 July 2024 - Drawing Tablet

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Just. Probably at least 6 days and longest 10 days to survive, Then I get my next YouTube revenue paycheck.

For today's I am heading out by 3pm. Since I agreed to play team tag with YY against others in WMMT arcade. I notified my arcade buddies through discord in case they ask me. Specially today YY agreed with my idea to take out my tripod and he wanted to record footage to see what to improve but to me it seems like just want to post it as reel or clips on web. But it also serves me well since I don't have much clips that shows me playing arcade games.

I also brought out my emergency money packet and exchange with that 50 USD bill my nephew gave me. Though I mentioned this to myself in Journal days ago but I will convert it to Malaysia currency and deposit RM 100 just for now. Yes, I still will pay off any used "debt" from myself. I keep track of my expenses but doesn't manage it nicely to be honest. But it have to do. Earlier noon I just watch YouTube videos & play Project Sekai on my phone. Still occasionally checks the revenue and stats of my recent published video on my channel. Think it's not enough and need more better and diverse contents which I will plan later.

The 4 way team tag WMMT battle were enticing, the coordination is fine because I followed YY's comamnds and advices that blocks while I run in battle. Well, Gotta praise him for that. It feels rather very refreshing after not playing so for long then remain active level of skills. This mean I haven't rust much, to be rather honest. Maybe because he assist me and letting me win in first place allow me for free play for next match. Plus, he skills is still active level when we gone no longer team match and against him.Earlier before the Team Tag battle starts. I started setting up tripod and video records our matches screen. Although I did politely ask our team opponents (YY's friend if they wanna record but they said they are fine.

Overall, our matches went well. There were wins and loses. Scenario like me in first place but teammate last place or we both fall at last place. And sometimes at top positions is lucky. We get clutches and they managed to clutch. Our coordination were fine since theres not much conflicts.

There was 2 others friendly players occupied the cabinets by them. Our group is bit frustrated by them, but I managed to politely ask them than bluntly ask them "Can we play next as such". At first, I talk about relevant and such like their car, and introduce before moving on asking if we can play next without pressuring them.By 5pm. The team tag match we claimed our victory by other forfeit match after a 1 set.

I met up with Sam. Sam here is bit of rivalry and despise each other with YY so I tries to defuse them if they got into arguments and try settle them equally. But YY left soon, I also managed to share the clips of team tag with YY through Airdrop. Later at 7pm, Sam asked me If wanting to go play MaiMai and Eat together at 1U. But this time, with his parents, I have to act nice and formal.

It's a good thing that Sam invited me and his family to eat at same food court at back then with Patrick. Good food with Good price. Today is a fine day. Could be better if I make videos for more revenue. His family offered you pay my food bills I said no it's fine.

On the way and through food court. Sam's family discuss me about how my take on education career. I thought on giving more on personal thoughts not just genuine advices and plan flow. Like how many years to learn and getting certificate in order to study further or get a job. That if path is wanting to me life long learner. For this, They are being kind but formal with me so I have to be careful with words and attitude I choose too. It's relevant because Sam is a high schooler that will be in touch of enrolling into deeper college or university in the futures so it's natural for parents to be concerned about their son future well being.

MaiMai with Sam, of course he's pretty good. I felt bit devastated that I am not doing good playing but ended up with the sad words that I think "Just wanna play for fun" but not "grinding" for events and profile.

Maybe Sam feels the same way in WMMT? Since I have higher level of skills than him in WMMT. But he have higher skills than me in MaiMai. Could say it's mutual. Me and Sam with his family said goodbye to each other by 9:30pm after we got back to same mall from train station. Sam's parents offered me a ride to take me back to my dorm but I said it's fine since I live nearby and walk by here.

Recently my brother plays Red Dead Redemption 2 more often now than Gran Turismo 7. Judging by game activities on my discord profile. He confirmed it himself that he said to me on the day before I return back to KL city from hometown. On the way back to dorm today. I pass through Hotwheels vendor again. I remember YH love collecting them and usually check if there's any good model in front. With that in mind I snapped a photo and sent to YH. He requested me to buy one of the specific hotwheels model for him. Even fast enough that he transferred the enough fund to buy it and pass it to him when I return back to dorm.

I got the school's drawing tablet the other day. didnt know what to draw for fun but first come come to my mine is just upper clothing for female.

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