Afternoon, Heading to somewhere bit far for 1 hour as a family trip. For my brother, he is interested in Good pair of Shoes. On car we talked various of stuff, like since my brother have Gym membership and goes there regularly. My dad suggest me to try it with him but my brother is just like my brother.
The relationship between me and my brother is One-Way. Like I obsess and love my younger brother alot and he thinks I am just a annoying caring elder brother that type of but it's natural.Earlier we were playing Gran Turismo 7's Scape photo. And sometime talk about WMMT. I guess I can let daily objectives slide since spending time with family is better.
Brother look for JD sport outlet, but sadly nowhere there so we ended up at the arcade there. Everytime I see Arcade, Please hold me i wanna play there already.but first lets eat with my family.
I got praised by the WMMT players there in Batu Bahat, thanks to my friendly impression and behavior. Also being relatively strong in VS battle with the regular players there, some of them also came to encourage me to battle in the events and discuss with their friends about me. But the thing is, I been noticed and praised, that's what I am happy about.Of course, I still keep my younger brother in mind. Talking with him and offering some play. Earlier we played 2 game of Taiko No Tatsujin and we are happy.
Anyway, the players there are nice. I got stressed when plenty of players behind me talk about "how strong this player is".But few of them are nice, came up and talked about and praised my skills. Encourage me to help them take down a Wanted in WMMT.
Later we visit the Popular Beach shores by Batu Bahat to check out the scenery and the seafoods, The sea, is vast, and romantic, beautiful for all kinds of photography. My family is fond of taking photos of them. I can certainly sit down by the long thin bridge and let breezes and peace take over me for hour.
Well, it's not gonna be like this for a while after I return. Gotta savor all the time we had with family before return. And live with myself again, my own budget and everything. But at least I can help and contribute with family time.
At midnight, I reinstalled Need For Speed: Heat. He got hit by nostalgia so much that he used to build & grind the cars in this game. What we can personally tell, when comes to realism and details, Heat wins over Unbound, but unbound make stuff action & cosmetic more extravagant. Not playing & participating races but overall checking out to love the car he used to play.

WhiteGXRoblox's Slice of Journal 2
Non-FictionThis is the continuation of the previous book: White is just his online username. But everyone calls him "Chin" in real life. Quite a literal little brat who never take wor...