27 May 2024 - Distracting myself

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NO CLASS TODAY BUT GOING ANYWAYOr nevermine... finally waking up at 12:30pm. My classmates staying at dorm too, as usual, MZ is workaholic and went to work today. This means I can probably nap longer.

GO COLLEGE OR AT HOME TO DO ASSIGNMENT?Today there suppose to be english class and head to college but it's been postponed and moved the date to Thursday instead and, our Website lecturer want us to go check group by group with our E-commerce website progress. With 15 minutes each, that's why I can just stay at dorm to work on this.

But it's no point since id like to work with my external monitor but at same time its time efficient to stay and actually work..... I mean, time efficient but when comes to actual progress work I feel much more motivated at college. Which I didn't go today for some reason.

WHY AM I JUST TIREDI am trying to push myself to work on it, brain storm. Yes, there's idea. But my "work power" is low, because I don't feel too enthusiastic to do it. Today I planned myself to work on the assignment "E-commerce website" the theme is about selling anime figures and merchandise. We got the flowchart ready, site map seems fine to go, my partner haven't work on it since a week I will need to go with the color pallets & header/footer design. There's tutorials alright for search bar. Man, I should have head to college and do work there just to improve my motivation to do it. Or is it that I am distracted by too many things?

PROGRESS ON E-COMMERCE WEBSITENot much I would say but I only prepared Potential color palette and Header's search bar. Most time were used this afternoon for is the search bar itself. Not functional but work as interface. Overall I think I got an good page what pages and references for it. It just down matter of actually using time & efforts to create them. Since this is a group project. I need my partner to move and work together on this thing. Probably starts tomorrow. There was assignments that comes to deadline but I am glad I double checked that I indeed worked on it.

HEAD OUTI know well there's google meet to talk about our progress on E-commerce website with our lectuerer group to group but I think I got like two hour time outside like checking on arcade and have dinner before returning to dorm and ready for online class 15 minutes with my partner. Which is why I head out by 6pm and ready to return by 8pm that it starts at 9pm.

HEAD BACKAs expected, the arcade is empty. So it's rather simple. Just 3 game to work on my RX-3 in WMMT6RR progress then leaves. Eat at fast food and minor grocery then leaves.

E-COMMERCE MISCOMMUNICATION WITH PARTNERLecturer expects everyone to have more progress to work on it, I thought we only have to start by this week as lectuerer mentioned. Expecting more progress so I was a bit frustrated inside the meet with my partner. Which there's bit miscommunication there when we work together, compared to other partner, he is a bit unreliable I say personally but I will have to go through and through together. Sort of added challenge when not teaming up with much more independent thinking teammate in a Team Project. Sounds like 1 brain working with 2 man power. Because of this I hard schedule him to work together at college tomorrow.After a long brainstorming session and some researches. Thr workload of my brain dramatically increased I got ideas but need to figure effective way to execute them and which to which more sector important to work onAt 1AM, I heard noises at the kitchen so I exit my room and checked out. Oh, it's MZ. My dormmate, making fast noodle. "Short conversation: many just started the website design but few hardworking student done plenty progress already."

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