1 May 2024

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MUSCLE STILL STIFF AND LOW STAMINAI found myself woke up at 9, Too cold, Then lowered the celling fan speed then go back to sleep. Been sweating in my sleep for a while and uncomfortable.

FELL ASLEEP WITHOUT BATHING LAST NIGHTBy the time I actually woke up, I realized I fell asleep without taking a bath last night. Saw my backpack lying intact, food supplies on the ground I bought last night. My whole body is weak because of stiff muscles. And pain if I put too much force on something. Where I find myself I can only relax by sitting on chair. where walking requires alot of strength and stamina for me. For now, everything I perform is slow. But at the same time, I do not wish to worry my parents.

GOTTA THANK KEN FOR CARRYING DRAMA ASSIGNMENTDespite being the script writer for the drama show in English class, My director wrote most part of the scripts. Which I feel bad and should be doing something at the same time, me being sick doesn't help me so I sent a message to thank him that he did most the stuff for us.

MAKING VISITOR PASS FOR DADSince my mom and dad is coming to visit me today. I have to make a visitor pass for my mom and dad as well as the car my dad's driving. So they can park inside the premises with ease.After this breakfast, I am going to take medicine and rest. not going out. But I need to do laundry, or I won't have enough clothing to wear.

WATCHING ANIME AFTER A LONG WHILESince I been bothered by arcade, assignments, PC Games I haven't have much time to watch Netflix, Which I did watched another episode of it today, it feels great

SIDE EFFECTS OF MEDICINESAfter taking medicines I profusely sweats, and feel drowsiness. At least it allows me to recover the strength but I still should take medicines as time planned. Is it me or for some reason I get sickness whenever I am going to meet my family? the last time when I come back I got sickness.

MY BROTHER'S BIRTHDAY IS COMINGMy mom notified me 10 minutes earlier that they are going to pick me up in 20 minutes. About the time I need to get my clothing laundry hang to dry. Afterwards, when they arrived. I came down then walk to their car. Oh man, they are excited to see me. Tell me how is my sickness and Am I okay. But later we plan to go where to eat. While my dad and my mom is having short conversations they mentioned that my brother's birthday is coming in 2 days. Which sadly I won't be there but I will be sure to say Happy birthday to him.MOM ADVICE ME TO DRINK MORE VITAMIN CProbably because my mom provided some supplements and fear I did not take which makes my immunity weak. My mom advices me to take sufficient supplements and take these vitamin Cs as such.

My dad and mom went on warehouse sales earlier where 5k prices stuff are now sale at 1k but didn't get it since it's sold out after waiting in line for hours. It is a very promising crazy sales for an electronics store. And the queue lines is insanely long from entrance to the store so my parents have been queued that for long time just to sadly sold out which is also evident they got tired The store apparently is just nearby couple streets away. Which my dad showed me more about it later, Apparently what caught my eyes is that the sales from the website and posts the store shared from facebook along with pictures from my dad. That a 1TB SSD drive cost under RM 200. A laptop that is significally better than mine cost with the same price. an the TV monitor my dad is after is a 5K and expensively good monitor that is now cost 2,000 and originally cost 5,400. For me it's a good external monitor that cost RM 200 there.Mobile phones too as well as other electronics stuff like Thrustmaster steering wheel controller, headphones, RTX graphic cards even printers. It's a sale that could up up to 85%. TMT store in Atria shopping gallery,

DAD LIKES THE NEW VOLVO SUV, SAYS HIS DREAM CARApparently we did not go anywhere far to eat. Just neabry to eat. Basically the streets I always walk through to college. But because of it I get to enjoy the food around the restaurant that I don't regularly eat and doesn't know some exists. My dad also pointed out the Volvo SUV he saw earlier. Said it's his dream car. He also took a photo of it after having his car parked, I never knew my father have such good car as options.

EATING WITH FAMILYEating at "Hog's Kitchen" where it's mostly Pork/Hog eatery. And the food is reasonably good to in taste, My dad and mom also ordered one but they both share the same bowl as usual since they know they cannot eat much to keep their weight ideal. Although I tell my parents it's not really needed to always bring me somewhere good to eat but they want me to eat healthily. Since they know I been saving too much that I rejected my health condition also I accidentally consumed extra antibiotics for the day.

DAD REQUESTED ME TO SHOP THE TV AGAIN THE DAY AFTERSince he didn't get to buy the TV he wanted, He requested me to buy the TV from the store on 3rd May. And he would give me the extra money to buy the external monitor I wanted for only RM 200. But I would have to prepare long queue early in the morning for it though.

MY PARENTS NOTICED I BECOME MORE SKINNY THAN USUALAfter we doing eating my parents noticed that I became more skinnier than usual. I guess they picked up too and guessed me that I only eat 2 meal a day. I deliberately lied and said no that I only eat less that's all but I didn't think of much about it since nobody told me about it.

MOM ADVISED ME TO EXERCISE REGULARLYProbably of the sickness is that I don't do much exercise. That what I could do is she suggest me that I should do something like jog around the park down the block of my dorm.But my mom always says don't be starve just because you want to save.

PARENTS LIKE THATS EATERY EVERYWHERESince they been in small hometown for long time. They don't spend much time living around big cities like I am they are surprised there are luxury and unique restaurants everywhere just by streets but for me I always go for economical cheap one and missed those, I should really check them out some and the one earlier is too.

DAD COMMENTS ON SUZUKI JIMNYWhile on the way to my dorm, My mom pointed a car that is ahead, seems like Suzuki Jimny that is boxy and goofy look and my dad introduce that everyone nick name it Mini G that it's similar to Mercedes G-Wagon.After the entrance popping out the trunk my mom definitely prepared too much deserts and perishable food like Dry Cake and Breads. Even Papaya and Bananas, including the eggtarts we bought earlier at nearby streets. I was kinda like overwhelmed since there's so much food I have eat before expiry date. But within 1-3 week should be fine, but I will keep dry cake and some fine once I recover from sickness. But my mom said it's worth it since she bought it at cheaper price since its from hometown and it's alot so it make sense.

SHARE FOOD AND DESSERTS WITH FRIENDSSince there's so much food I could some extra with friends like dormmates. Probably because too much perishable and mom's reason is she want me to keep good relationships with dormmates.

ADD EMERGENCY CONTACT ON TABLEBesides just commenting my room is getting a bit small but I'm fine with it, My dad suggested me to add emergency contacts on table or somewhere like group chat so if anything happens to me. People can contact my parent's phone numbers. Which I did tonight.

NEW UMBRELLAThe other day my dad sees me on the day returning to hometown he know that putting the umbrella on back like a sword is not the way to go. So with the retractable and even better umbrella that is on his car, He gave it to me. Even allows me to fits it nicely with the new laptop backpack he ordered the other day and I'm happy to use it tomorrow.

Even though we said our goodbye on 6pm, They are still concerned about me but I'll always tell them I know how to take care myself. Hopefully I recover from this sickness of mine and feel better already.

NOT PLAY FOR ARCADE TODAY,Instead of going to arcade like how I always to do, I got carried away playing Barotrauma with online discord friends, And thanks to my mom's ordered take away for dinner earlier in the day. I don't have to go out and eat. Not important but later when I play Rainbow Six Siege with online discord friends got the Toxic Enemy Azami player ace in Standard because of my fault but now I clutched for the last 2 round. Lucky hipfire headshot and then managed to stop the defuser planting at last second. Getting great but lucky come back in a match.

I CANT SLEEP AT NIGHTSo I decided to wake up then eat some bread. Probably was too hungry since the medicines makes me want to eat more and digest too quickly which makes better if I spray my mouth with something or eat something to get rid of the painful odor

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