26 July 2024
In the discord group chat. There was topic of Map building/making in ROBLOX. Which gave me nostalgia how I used to enthusiastically make map in the past with some terrible map design in terms of level & visuals. Now I am 21 years old I can see through all the mistakes I make and can correct the one who is from 5 years ago. My community test map "Escapee Shopping Centre" used to be popular for its function but because of new update it no longer works and become obsolete. If it works I can consider coming back to rework and redesign into much more mature and solid.
YY wait for me to play team tag WMMT at the very same arcade in the very same mall. Of course I had a plan in mind and eat first. Also bringing out the tripod since he want to do phone recordings, me going to arcade means I be passing the vending machine that vendor Hot wheels collection of cars. I took a photo and sent it to YH. Since he is a Hotwheels collector after all. Plus he did me a favor and played with me yesterday. And I can see he very admire his collection by hanging on his bedroom wall so I guess I will do it. He got good eyes of message.Anyhow, I got a good model of Hotwheels features FnF series Muscle car. Told me to keep it for now since he went out to friends house.First scene on arcade there's already 4 way on going battle. YY his friend rival and Jasmine is here too. YY even have a Aventator Hotwheel car model himself.
Jasmine & Adam joined battle but only briefly before they left. But at very least at here, Sam is able to play Taiko No Tatsujin. But he is bit rusty since he play MaiMai arcade most of the time. Sam between YY conversation and attitude is not really good even if they try sweet talk each other. I kinda feel bad, I want to tell him that if you're not feeling well playing it. You don't have to play WMMT with me. So today went not well memorable, perhaps next time I go to 1U to play MaiMai with them.
There just this dissatisfactory in my heart. Maybe because I agreed into playing with YY and loses, thinking I could have use the credits to play something else and progress more meaningful. I cannot bluntly say this to YY either I guess I will just play and mind something else that I feel passionate and fun with. I think I will just go to a fast food and eat something good to calm myself with these thoughts.
Its a good meal, I done eating it at 7am. This meal cost me twice the meal I regularly eat everyday, Of course I am still going eco and budget so I still be careful.Back at dorm, While I was watching and reviewing recordings I got from my phone and arcade session today. My mom webcam called me on phone, checking how we are each other between family. Likewise, My mom is concerned about my health. But it's all good. After bringing up about the comb my mom got for me, I said I am fine with my hair that I been taking care of it frequently. but still want me to teach me how to comb my hair properly through the net. Afterwards of combing myself in front of webcam, She said now I look better even though I am going to sleep and bed head later so I assume it's good practice.
Passing the phone to my dad, he's tired so we didn't talk much but he helped me to login back at PS5 Remote Play again. Which is after I done talking with my brother. Apparently, He is playing Red Dead Redemption 2 story mode right now, But he plays and talk with me at same time.Anyway, the thing is. He wanted me to do the WMMT's VSORG Limited Time event for me which ends next month and he wanted the name plate & meter from long time and he even said he will pay upon me and I said it's fine. Although I already bluntly warned him this game is addicting and pricey but personally if that's what he really wants it. I am happy with it. To collect the Orange Event Name plate or with Meter for his Orange GTR since he wanna make it full orange setup. Plus, the full tune ticket he set up still insists choosing the 280zt which will be released in future update. I give every possible & clear details about what the car dress up and performance wise. Even the meta cars I mentioned it's okay but Countach and Aventator you have is well in arsenal.
And there's plan my mom will come up and willingly clean up my room and take me back to hometown for few days. Since I end class by afternoon on Thursday and No class at Monday so it's perfect if I don't have assignment to hurry with. Or me head down there by bus. Either way, It would be nice to meet my family again.
For now at 1pm. Sam is already at Arcade and he is struggling with WMMT VSORG. I wonder If I could make it there to help him but at the same time I am hungry, what's wrong with me doing request while I am in dire trouble myself.
When I got there, Patrick and Sam already left to go 1U. So ended up he transfer data to my blank card to help him defeat it. Wonder Should I go there later or clear the VSORG for my brother.
I ends up with 2 play for almost nothing, I still cannot beat it. It is indeed very difficult opponent even for me. It either me or the car, or the opponent are really strong. Either way I have to be honest with him about what happened, at least he got some stars and transferred out later although Sam is fine with it, and asked if I wanna join them in 1U. This I need to think about it
I ate at fast food again this evening and met with a senior of mine from college. From the messages, Sam and Patrick returned from 1U and now we met at very same arcade. And now they are playing together.
My cough got worse, I should drink more water. Or actually see a doctor. When talking to Sam & Patrick I gotta be careful and not pass the diseases.
Originally I felt bit depressed now I am happy. Because Sam & Patrick game together on Taiko No Tatsujin although Sam I may influence bit so I have to be careful with my words and actions around him. The fact that Adam actually took done the difficult crown not even me and Sam is able to take it down. 3 of us cheered for him including Adam's father.
At 10:30pm. As I was walking toward the connivence store on the way back to dorm. I bumped into to YH. Who were returned from his friend sleepover and later we walked back to dorm together. Able to pass the Hotwheels he requested, afterwards we messaged me in our own bedroom that YH wanted to play GTA with me. I am like "sure, but I wanna bath and eat first" but he is okay with it whenever.
We played until 3:30am. Which was the point I am too tired to move or do anything else so I called it a day with YH even though we didn't do much in GTA. Just goof around and let him experience GT7 through my remote play. I wore a mask with me since my cough progressed to occasion bad cough and I feel weaker because of it.

WhiteGXRoblox's Slice of Journal 2
Non-FictionThis is the continuation of the previous book: https://www.wattpad.com/story/237179531-whitegxroblox%27s-slice-of-journal White is just his online username. But everyone calls him "Chin" in real life. Quite a literal little brat who never take wor...