1 April 2024

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Wowowowow, waking up at 11:50am. Thanks to fan timer I am forced to wake, I also made my discord server logo to have fake ping icon to fool others.

Color Study's Replacement class for tomorrow huh? Assignments will be hell of works. When taking a bath, I found out I have such amazing bedhead, all straight up and look good but decided to wash it out either way. Come to think of it, I haven't been to a barber for such a long time. I cant remember what was the last time I got a haircut, but this opens up more variety of hairstyles I got go and cut into since very grown out till the point it become slightly irritated but no big deal. Maybe I will get a haircut when returning to hometown?

Now a new question opens up to me. I need to set a new budget number for myself. Since I survived a month without the allowance/life savings  given by my dad. Now I have to rely on my own bank account and some revenue. But I'll think about it on my way to college (1:10pm)

On today's class we learn about Pronouns in English class. Of course, It's basic not complicated like world out there. Simple He/She/They/Them/Microwave that is. Haha, I got scolded for incomplete assignments for the 5 papers assignment. I would have to submit that by next week or sooner or later.

Next few assignments expected for mid-term assessments there will be Speech Test. Shouldn't be too much problem for me, we get to choose any title and speak for 5 minutes without reading scripts. For me, I'll go with YouTube Channel Revenue. Some goes with video games, Instagram reels. These topic makes me kind of outdated person, Although I uses E-wallet now but stuff like Facebook, Instagrams I am still out of touch from it.There will be Hari Raya Break too but me returning on 5th April seems like too early for everyone else since im one in class is returning back before Raya started when lecturer ask about everyone's so that's that.

After class, Greeted by my fellow seniors. Talk about the PC/Anime club with the President and me being Secretary . Looks like theres not much activity but its good he given a point where its gonna be mid term assessment and everyone will be busy. Outside is raining heavily. Plan to leave the college at 5pm to eat nearby.

While staring into the cloud by the entrance. IT of the college came down and I noticed he is not carrying any Umbrella himself. So I lend him a hand by sharing the umbrella together to cross the road to his personal vehicle. Although he offered me to drive me back to where I live in dorm. I said it's okay that I'll eat nearby and say goodbye to each other, I guess I'll drop by Arcade to do terminal scratch and checking out without playing then return early. Since I have replacement class early tomorrow and better play PC video games than there. Or I could work with assignments or play mobile games there..

I decided to play 2 game before leaving the arcade before 8pm. Upon inserting credit by tapping the balance card from arcade. Theres sudden increases in credits, unsure the reason, I checked the app that tied to the card and turns out.. 1 April is the birthday of the balance card itself and awarded alot of credits plus even more with me being loyal tier membership. This gave me tremendous amount of confidence and actually took down zF (Veteran) crown in Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 6RR arcade game with my Nissan FUGA on my card data. Therefore, scoring the first crown of this difficult car. I mean... the credits it awarded me is not much but it's something.. I also met SKY the other day. Yes, the uncle arcade buddy. He's finally back. As mature as ever.

When I got back to dorm I checked out the April fool updates that Project Sekai EN releases. Upon unzipping  my bag I realizes some of my electrical accersories have been under moist surfaces from the rain and it's now sticky. I have to use a wet towel to clean it, Ugh. But at very least the papers, charger and my laptop wasn't touched by it so it's safe.

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