28 April 2024

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I woke up by 1pm, YY my friend want to look for me in arcade again. Which I don't want to, I think I need to learn how to reject and decide for my own good. Today I already mark it a day towards working on assignmentsTomorrow I have exam mock speech to do which I am very concerned.

Grrr, I have to work on an english exercises as well as work on Speech's script tomorrow. Well, If I keep my calm and focus through and some encouragement from my figure I shall be fight. Also, this morning I am also met with a clean-up maid hired by my landlord to clean here. It's gonna be 3am though, Shall I go down and eat before working on it?

Decided to head down to eat since being hungry while working is not good at all. Drizzle outside but I can rush there, this time I didn't get my umbrella but since I am not going out anywhere far I will just rush under roofs to roof and good news is the Cafe is open today. Thought it's closed because theres no customer there. For today, This regular fried rice I order will have egg.For odd reason, I am looking for change for the payment. Unsure reason why the worker decided to give okay and short 60 cent the meal for me. Not sure why, is it because no customer today?

I set a 5 hour timer to work on English assignments before I go out for check-in let's do it. I done eating my lunch. This time is fried rice with fried egg on top. Serves great appetizers.

Ouuuugh felt drowsy when doing the English assignments, My mom called me to notify me that my dad and probably she will come up and visit me by Labour day which is 1st of May. The supplements my dad gave me is kind of helping me. Expensive fish oil and zinc tablet.

By 7pm, I finished the English exercises, it's boring as hell and the speech test is stressful alot. I wanna lay on the bed to rest but I cannot.. because I still need the script of speech tomorrow ready. Lazy to do presentation too, but okay.

About to 8pm, Think I will go out check in at arcade then eat. Of course there won't be time for me to do photography anyway so I originally want to plant to bring out my digital camera to snap photos of places and cosplayers but I suppose I can do it just fine with my mobile phone its not like I want to capture high quality pictures of it. Plus it will be easier to carry my umbrella around in case it suddenly rains.

Sam asked me whether he if want to buy another figure but I suggested him save it since he already got a Hatsune Miku figure and played alot of WMMT6RR at arcade so at very least he won't fall into financial situations like me and he took my advice. But he still enjoys his time at Anime Fest at the mall. Which I can't make it that day

Just like others says, "Don't insist fighting a battle that you can't win, and instead focus on what you can control instead." This taken nicely to my hearts, I left the arcade by 9:30pm with minimal credits of 3 spent. zF and Alex as well as Jasmine was here but the atmosphere is different. Why is everyone not enjoying the game and keeping the serious faces..? This I won't question them, I should leave my attention to myself and play the games and have fun. I can see why WMMT is not a friendly arcade for many.

Returned to dorm by 10pm. And with Burger King in my hand, Man I still have to work on the speech tomorrow. Whatever, Eat, Bath, then proceed.

I been trying to organize and writing the scripts for the speech tomorrow. I have it ready but need to mark key points and actually memorizes them. At this point, I kinda gave up to make the best efforts but instead make it essential but safe points.

Crap.... I unconsciously stay with my discord online friend till 3:40 with all the youtube videos watching together I think I am double fainting already. At least tomorrow class won't be placed at afternoon.And I noticed I been coughing and probably sick. Crap... I felt terrible I need to faint on bed, not the chair.

At very least my online discord friend talking makes me awake and write the scripts in the back at the same time I should decide the right choice for myself.uhghhhImma pack up and switch to shorts before sleeping.

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