My god, I woke up at 3pm. Thank god there no class today.
New Operators Demo is out? Well, Time to bath then eat and do assignments? I mean make videos?
It's already 4pm. And I haven't bath and eat yet, I guess I will do since I am running out of battery on my phone and been distracted by Project SEKAI a while now. Outside is dark and raining heavily.
After bad attempt to try submit the work with less than half attention to details. I went look into other student's folders work. Which is shared by google drive so everyone can see it. There's reviews made by others lectuerers as well as I can see what mistake they did and idea they gave me. Such as too much saturation is bad, not enough contrasts, too much colours is too much. All that I picked up then redo and reworked my color palletings my assignments. Hopefully it goes well though, with that it's already 6:40pm. Which I should really prepare and go out to eat.
Decided to head out by 8pm, but before that. I brought up the whole package of perishables bread that is unfortunately going to expires day after tomorrow. So I brought it to kitchen and mix it with the small can of Tuna. Then microwave for under 1 minute. Then ended up making whole bread loaf pieces with tuna. And I ate a few of them, of course I aint gonna keep eating all so theres few left I knocked on dormmates door and look for them and seems like they are napping or didn't hear me. So I eventually just put it in a small container my mom gave me then store it in fridge until next day. Although I could have save some bread piece as well as half can of tuna but decided not to since preserving it nicely is a hassle but the question comes to my mind that I am only full with bread and tuna and haven't had At anything else today. Feel like this is bad for me and I should go out to eat more. But is it even good idea to eat more than one meal if portion within single hour.... Anyway, I am heading out to arcade and if hungry I just use coupon my dad gave me to use it on Burger King.
Speaking of, ROBLOX's Operators by Cish another demo is out as well as Decaying Winter April fool update which I wanna check after I am free from assignments and college lessons. As I walked out the lane I am living in I saw the uncle arcade buddy drove out his car and employees close down the shop.
Since there's not much activity, I played WMMT6RR for fun with leisure 3 game and leaves. The joy of dressing up cars never endow me.
It been like an hour and been surfing browser. Suddenly idea came to mind to make a fun edit of An Shirashi's VA sing ifuudoudou from Project Sekai with the 3D MV. Till 12:40am, that I am pleased and decided to post it on Subreddit just to find myself hungry at midnight. Which I went to fridge and eat the layer cake and one piece bread of tuna from fridge theres traces of my dormmate YH have made fast noodle himself judging by the noises I heard earlier and his room.That just made me even more hungry.

WhiteGXRoblox's Slice of Journal 2
Non-FictionThis is the continuation of the previous book: White is just his online username. But everyone calls him "Chin" in real life. Quite a literal little brat who never take wor...