25 May 2024 - Meeting D. in 1U

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Best I enjoy today meeting with friends and next couple days I need to work hard on my assignments. Yes, I have few weeks left before actual submision on these big project or assignments. I only have noticed that MZ do slight progress piece by piece. Think I should too but I would do it big piece by big piece with interval since I don't be working on it when I want to do the least.

GET READY TO HEAD OUT BY 12PM / 1 PMBit early for me but it is what for to meet with bunch of friends. Especially an online discord friend, But in this instance I will refer him as "D." here. Me and him been known each other and sometime play Steam games together then communicate through discord group and chats. Just like that I arrived to 1U on time by 12:30pm. Of course initially I wanna bring my laptop out but what's the point? I recalled that my parents keep says "when we go hangout leave the tablet at home since we should be focusing on talking to others." Would say the bad habit in the past but I will take that as advice now.

GOOD IDEA TO NOT CALL OUT YOU ARRIVED EARLYI arrived early here... Which is good. But maybe not call out everyone would be good. Since I can enjoy playing a bit or watch others plays but one of my already met online friend "Oc." know I am here and came here to look for me. He invited me to go for Karoke but I am fine but maybe I am just anxious when come to singing. Just to realizes that he is heading there with other large group of friends who is also their online discord friends. While I was by myself playing WMMT6RR, Patrick arrived and joined the battle. Which there be, Which I'm not wrong there's 2 game maximum tune & 2 game initial D. Which is in total of RM 16 credits (4 tokens per play). Later we went ahead to other arcade in the 1U Shopping Mall and met up with Sam along with Patrick. Checking the other Rythm games.

One in particular caught my attention which is "Chunithm Luminous" which is similiar to the one I play on my phone, Project Sekai. The similiar touch on note with collums sliders with additional of air sensor. Interestingly, both MaiMai and this works on Mimo card as well as by SEGA. So they have license of these songs including covers and crossover customization from Project Sekai which I adore. At very least, Rythem games like these can get me excited and thrilling even I am not good at the game but I had fun. Sadly, Patrick left early by 2:30pm because he have travel on schedule but it was fun playing with him. Since he is planning to have a car registered on other regions I kinda wanted to so I requested him and handed over him the blank card I bought it from YY days ago.

CHECKING OUT & HANGING OUT, TOGETHERWhile me and Sam playing "MaiMai Festival" together on advanced level with our taking turns picking favourite songs, "D" came from behind and approached me, asking if I am the "WhiteGXRoblox". Of course, he can already tell by my voice. After finishing the game with Sam, Oc. Got here with his group of friends and gathered outside the arcade as we meet. It's a big mixture of group so there's alot of introduction between each friends of friends. There's Sam my arcade friend, Oc. and D. My online discord friend who we met in real life, and there's Oc's group of friends which I never meet before. We talked alot, Like what we doing, We heading there to checkout together? So how did you know each other, these sort of questions. But I mostly keep my friend Sam's attention check in place so I place his choices on higher priority to keep company with so he doesn't feel left out. so if he want to we can go split and go with him. But it's all fine since everyone willing to interact with new friends and each other. Oc and his friends planned to go together and we followed to check out the outdoor Go Kart, which we never heard it before. So it'be good and refreshing to check it out.

Whether we are playing or not we still check it out. Eventually we spectated Oc and his friends to race go kart, It's not what expected in our hangout plan but for Me and Sam it's good idea to take a break from arcade and check out different stuff. Even though Me, Sam and D. are not the one playing but we had fun commentary on Oc. and his friends driving. Like one of his faboulous friend owns good driving line and experiences which dominates everyone's lap time. And Oc. managaed to get second place. Small mistakes that driver could do like spinning out, oversteering or got into head-on barrier which need assists since the kart doesn't come with ability to do Reverses. 10 minutes session for RM 85 is not really bad after all. But afterwards we plan to eat somewhere.

 It is thrilling to watch, after they done racing. Everyone shares great sportsmanship and share the commentary and clips with everyone. Sam is actively engaging in conversation together despite sense of humour and jokes taken from past online discord events together but it's still nice to keep everyone's topic relevant, despite Sam & Oc. first time meet together, they can somehow relate since they both are the playful arcade buddies type. It's only that given impressions. Sam is the shortest among us, And be slightly taller than him. And it is however shocking to find D. and Oc. taller than both of us. and same reactions for them. Unfortuntaly, Oc and his friends are heading into a buffet with didn't notice it's non-halal eatery so we split up. Sam, Me and D. will go look around within the mall to eat, the good thing is there is plenty of options. Since we all are the clueless type, I have to keep things active with sense of leadership. But funny thing is, we eventually ended up eating at fast food McDonald. great impression to go White, you made him went all the way here in KL just to eat at McDonald than other speciaty restaurant but everyone is good and fine with it.

I mean, the price is fair. Me and D. like GCB burger. Sam enjoy eating and watching Anime while me and D. conversation about our life style. So it won't get boring, having a twist in conversation with topic from Game stuff to Real life stuff like me sharing how is it like to live here and general topics why our siblings like this and why the traffics in KL get jam alot there and that. Of course afterwards me and Sam partway since maybe Sam want to go somewhere by himself and not occupy his time too much so It'd be me and D. exploring around the mall and see how's the life in big city. Where the toilets are sensor activated. Self service counter at restaurants. Busy people with full of personalities and there's MRT Train Station that I get to fully introduce him how is it like and the way to board MRTs train station under my calm and cheerful guidance. Of course, I wasn't mouthering all the time.

 I spare some minutes for him to figure out and talk to learn about the use of Tokens and then using IC card chip for train station fare fees. Of course, since It was I who introduce him this system, I offered him RM 5. To try board a few stop to other mall and head back to 1U. It is whole fresh experience for him so at very least he didn't come here for nothing or bland. Before our farewell, we checked on arcade. Of course, he never been to one. Which he told me that he is very disciplined and mannered by his family which I respect that, and felt nervous since everyone is so casual and fear of sticking out but it's totally okay actually since he is trying to impress a friend to meet for first time, I think I can relate that too. Before our farewell, We shared a Waffles together. It's very good, and thanked him. I haven't have such delicious dessert after long while. maybe I will get one myself in the future. Feel like things are more fresh and better with friends huh. But despite being introverts I like tagging along people but also concern that I am nosy and bothersome.

Anyhow, Sam have returned to my usual mall and bid farewell with meeting D.'s sister. I would call this good friend day. Well, I gotta focus on assignments days later and try not spend too much with earnings I got from YouTube and actually get decent food supplies to keep me healthy and happy. Sam should be fine I hope, but since us meeting is pretty ocassion so It should be fine.Returned to dorm seeing MZ working a bit on her 2D animation assignment which enforces me a little to focus on assignment. Back to the bed and here we go sleep. But... after bath though.

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