29-30 September 2024

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29 September 2024

I woke up, By 12 PM? Damn, Yesterday I was drained and I think I slept twice, I placed my laundry in the washing machine last night but forgot to dry it today so this morning I got out and put it in basket before going back to sleep. I need to fix myself lol, anyway. I am pretty sure I gotta clear one of assignments before I go out or something. But first brush teeth and hang laundry.

Unfortunately I distracted myself to explore my productivity by designing another WMMT car data of my own. Not really satisfied but really quenched my idea that is being executed I could say this is just practice with drawing tablet. Yet, it's already 2:40 PM and I just got to take a bath, do the laundry that being left off yesterday and eat. Although the aunty I sometime order food from is sick. Means I gotta go outside and ditch the assignment a bit today.

With everything ready I decided to head out. And already made up my mind to FT back the RX-3 on WMMT.

It's raining outside... Anyway, My mom instantly acquitted job contract. Looks like my mom won't be returning to Hometown to reunite with my family anytime soon. I gotta called my parents more now so they don't feel lonely.

I somehow ended up using 7 credits (RM 21) to face opponents that is too strong for me to compete. But hey at least I managed to get a new color for my SVX playing in WMMT, but we managed to do a friendly conversation that eased me up. The opponents is skilled but chill too. But hey, I met up with Patrick and we had fun.

Tonight I decided to view on the Project Sekai stories as well as talking about what car to build in WMMT arcade game with Patrick & Sam through discord. On the plus side. Me and Ken discuss about whether if I want the prop Katana sword I used other day but in exchange he want to have the outfit I ordered online.

30 September 2024

I woke up with not much fatigue by 11:40 AM. Except that I gotta work on some assignments, telling myself it should be easy.

After eating the bread I bought the other day, I managed to make some progress on a assignment. Afterwards it's just me on discord watching and talking about WMMT techniques and knowledges between my arcade buddies.It's 2PM, so I should head out or something to eat. and bath first. I don't wish to get burnt out.

Anyway, Patrick got me a contact from someone who can help me register a WMMT data overseas. Yes, I been planning to rebuild in the arcade game for the Mazda RX-3, just to fuel battle against other pro players.

On the plus side, I met Kelly. That YH returned & brought her to dorm, we didn't say much but it was different expressions upon seeing each other. I don't know what to say, they invited me if they wanna go to Badminton Court and play together but I just took a bath and ready to head out. Should I join them? I don't know. They said it's okay, I told them maybe next time if there's gathering for badminton session, I could join them but I don't have my own badminton racket so I felt bit sorry if I went soo.

After I ordered food at the stall. Knowing that Ken and JJ shared us that I could eat here for good price. Knowing that recently the mixed rice restaurant I often eat at got bit inflated price so I decided to eat here which is slightly cheaper and closer from where I come from.After I got my order and head over to the seats and sit down.

Then I met them. coincidentally, JJ, Ken. Apparently they were done shooting photography. And we have a small chit chat, they were ready to leave after I got my food so we waved goodbye to each other. It was real exciting to talk with them and share their today's events too. Makes me happy.

I played 3 games at Arcade. I am satisfied, turns out. Hey, using car I like and win as deserved puts me at better mood, unlike the overwhelming battles with other players from other days. Although the timing is different, is that I finished playing by 6 PM, maybe it's good idea to return early?

I cooked up Fast noodle, YH got back from badminton, Watch Project Sekai's stories and played a bit, then played Project Zomboid.

The team leader for the WMMT group circle (team) I joined in, the team leader asked me to design a graphic for the team because they saw on facebook group that someone have pretty cool graphic upon creating a new team so the team leader thought up an idea to represent ours since ours is called "Sigma".

I actually gave it thoughts then yap about it myself. Saying that simple design works and decided post for the funny. But they have a laugh and just decided to put meme face over group. Talking about designing a graphic. My mom have a small idea as request for me, is to design a menu over what my mom can cook for the client as dishes and meals.

Since she works as a babysitter but also a side maid now. With this, I take it as an idea to support my mom if she needed me to. Of course, my parents still wanted me to focus on studies and assignments first.

I will surely look for a time to come back to hometown and visit my dad. My dad and brother is probably lonely, problem is final assignments and the campus is in the way of my schedule. I gotta clear them.Starting to October, tomorrow. Let's work hard now "White".

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