2 March 2024

10 1 0

I continue to keep in contact through social media app that me and hometown friend could talk about "WMMT" game in chinese up to hours because of how we love the game and help with each other.

I lost myself into playing Visual Novel Romance game until 6am, Funny that it's PSP Emulator games. Man, Romance films and stories can really keep me up until morning. Probably I inheriated it from my mom. But at the sam etime, I felt like I am supposed be the gamer that stay up late. But Visual Novel is sort of a game isn't it? So I guess I like Romance films but also Video games in general?

I thought the payments will arrive at end month of February but it was put on hold until end of month in March. The question arises that how will I survive this month financially. I told my dad that I am fine so he didn't send me money for this month. Guess I will figure a way to survive this month... at least I still have some savings / earnings from January. Anyway, I should be getting up the bed now. It's 12:35, I should head out to look for packaging that match the description for my assignments. Couldn't hurt for some walk and do daily tasks.

Feel like everyone else is doing fine, after seeing CDY my dormmate prepares a good box meal for herself. Probably the paycheck coming in. But probably less at end of the month. Except me, I live on edge and unhealthy everyday

Spent another afternoon just to mess around with my laptop (Creating WMMT default meter library) as well as watching few episodes of MF Ghoststill almost 6pm. As I glance out the opened window with curtain half opened from my bedroom. I see a dazzling rain with mild fogs. Good to know today's Weather won't be too hot. But I still plan to go out early to pay a visit to mini market to look for packaging products that match description for Color Theory assignments. Then go to arcade like usual.

Good to know that I came down to nearby mini market just to search packaging that match the description for my color harmony assignment. So basically I have to look for any kind of packaging that use Complementary, Monochromatic as such. Cut it out then paste it on A3 paper. Glad it didn't take too long although this is sort of peak time for the market itself So I have to wait in line for registers to clear other customers's purchases.

I met my dormmates on the way through the mini market. Pen and CDY my dormmates noticed me and asks if I am going out or returning. I didn't expect to meet them out here either.Walking down the same path and through the bridge while rain lighhtly drop upon us. I can walk fine but limps a little when jog or sprint. Guess the sprained ankle situation is not fully recovered.

At the arcade, I didn't play much but met with the old arcade buddies that plays WMMT crazier than me. Although we don't have much in common or talk about but I been sticking around with them. The way they put their thinking like buying player data or playstyle is just different so there's some sort of distance between me and them. But it's still laughter and fun. These two arcade buddies I know are literally bromances and I kinda like two of them interacting with each other.

It feels like I am just a background character and I like the way it is. I can support others and doesn't have to do much in the open. Later we left the mall then sat at nearby convinience store to have supper but the other friend of them is just late so we partway and goodbye early before 11pm. And on the way I bought a burger to fill my light hunger. Accidentally hurt my right foot again by putting too much pressure on the ankle. Man, not again. I still have to be careful with my footing that whenever there's a twist or foot rotate it just hurts. Guess I'll be careful. Oh right, on the way before I return. YH requested me to buy 2 bottle of Ice Lemon tea for him and he will pay for it. So I did, It's no big hassle but I feel like me and YH my dormmate/classmate been interacting with each other more now and I feel delighted about it. Anyway, that's long story short of what happen today.

I forgot to mention since my payment of YouTube is being delayed until end of March, I will use what's left of my YouTube revenue as my monthly life savings and also I did not ask my dad for the life savings and told him it's fine without it. Plus, it's been hard for him since this semester's fee is much more expensive so I won't bother him for it. Although I should call my parents them time to time though.Since I helped my dormmate YH set up FiveM for his GTA, should I do the same too? I could sneak into the servers he been playing and meet him as well as play the game myself.

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