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Elizabeth's head was pounding as she opened her eyes, her arms stretching out above her head as she pulled herself into a sitting position, a wave of dizziness swirled around her, making her shut her eyes for a moment. Memories of last night were fuzzy, she remembered seeing Enzo and then the rest...was all a blur.

"Hello sleeping beauty" Pansy chuckled as she walked out of the bathroom, drying her black bob with a towel.

"Ughhh" Elizabeth groaned.

"Too much to drink?" Pansy hauled herself onto Elizabeth's bed.

"Yes but thank you, for putting me into bed" Elizabeth sighed as she leant back against her headboard.

"Uhhh...lizzy I didn't put you to bed" Pansy chuckled nervously.

"Then...who did? Was it Graham? Oh god he's gonna kill me" Elizabeth ran her hands over her face.

"Nope...try Mattheo" Pansy watched as Elizabeth's body froze. Her hands slowly pulling away from her face.

"What?" Elizabeth looked at her friend with wide eyes.

"Yeah...and he beat the shit out of Pucey...although it was honestly deserved, he wouldn't stop touching you, even when you were shoving at his chest" Pansy gave Elizabeth a tight lipped smile.

"Oh no, fuck, I don't remember anything pans" Elizabeth gulped.

"Well, we might have been the ones behind it" Pansy scratched the back of her head.

"What do you mean?" Elizabeth glared at her friend.

"Well, whilst he was out finding you...I kinda spoke with Blaise and Enzo, who agreed with me that you two are soulmates, so when Mattheo asked me to put you to bed I told him I was smoking with Blaise" Pansy smiled before jumping off the bed, just missing Elizabeth's outstretched hand.

"Pans, it's over, we don't work" Elizabeth sighed.

"But you did work! For so long and then something switched with him" Pansy gave Elizabeth sad eyes.

"Yeah exactly, he treated me like shit. He was drunk or high, all the time and he had no interest in me" Elizabeth stood up from her bed, walking over to her trunk and pulling out a pair of joggers and a crop top.


"No, it's over. End of" Elizabeth shook her head as she walked into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her. She took a long hot shower, washing away the smell of alcohol and cigarettes. Once she was satisfied, she got out. Drying her hair and pulling on her joggers and the little black crop top.

When she left the bathroom, the room was empty and she suddenly felt guilty for snapping at her friend. So, with a heavy heart, she went down into the common room.

Pansy was sat with Blaise, Enzo, Theo and Draco and as Elizabeth stood at the bottom of the stairs. She twiddled with her fingers, debating whether she should go over or not. Her heart told her to, but her mind was screaming at her to run away. Of course, her mind always won.

So she spun on her heels, staring at the ground as she walked towards the exit of the common room but her small body collided with someone.

Had it not been for the persons hands, she would have face planted the stone floor. Her eyes slowly drifted upwards, meeting the chocolate eyes that she'd fallen in love with, once upon a time.

"I'm-sorry" Elizabeth squeaked, barely able to form a full sentence.

"It's okay...are you okay?" Mattheo's eyes searched her face, looking for any signs of distress that would have caused her to leave the common room so quickly.

"I'm fine" Elizabeth gulped, stepping out of his grip before stepping around him and leaving out of the door.

Mattheo watched her leave, his heart urging him to chase her but with a sigh, he let it go. Walking to join his friends on the sofa's.

"Oh Beth, I love you and I'm so sorry that we didn't work, can I be your boyfriend again?" Draco spoke in a whiney tone.

"Fuck off Malfoy" Mattheo groaned.

"Leave the boy alone" Blaise chuckled, shoving Draco by his shoulder.

"Hey Riddle, I'm going on a date tonight with Daphne, feel like tagging along? She's bringing her sister" Theo wiggled his brows.

"Uhh.." Mattheo looked around the group. Pansy's eyes were burning holes into him and he found himself nervous to agree. "You know what, sure" Mattheo leant back in his seat.

"Asshole" Pansy muttered under her breath.

"What was that Parkinson?" Mattheo sneered.

"You heard're an asshole" Pansy grumbled.

"Not this shit again. We all know Beth was physco" Theo spoke with the shake of his head.

"Except she wasn't! You're just too far up his ass to believe anything else" Pansy spat. "You're just as bad as him" she narrowed her eyes on Theo before standing up and leaving the boys alone in the common room.

"God, it's her who's too far up Beth's ass" Theo mumbled with a scoff.

"She's right. You are an ass" Blaise spoke as he looked at Theo.

"What? How I am the bad one?" Theo looked between Enzo, Mattheo and Draco.

"Just Shutup" Draco huffed, standing up and leaving the room. Clearly done with the bickering.

"I'm out" Theo sighed. "Meet me here later man" Theo looked at Mattheo, sending him a wink.

Mattheo pulled his hands over his face. He thought coming back this year would easier, he thought he'd be able to live with himself, but he couldn't. Pansy knew it was all a lie, it wasn't Lizzy's fault, she was a perfect girlfriend, it was him.

"I know it's not true Mattheo. Theo might be fooled but the rest of us aren't...Lizzy cared so much about you, that's why you kept getting in arguments, because she was left alone, when she was struggling because you were out getting drunk or high" Enzo's words circled Mattheo's mind, making him gulp loudly.

"I fucked up and now she hates me. I'd say that's punishment enough" Mattheo shook his head, playing with the rings on his fingers.

"But making her lose all of her friends? That wasn't fair..." Enzo sighed, standing up and leaving Mattheo alone with his thoughts.

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