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Elizabeth and Mattheo were getting married. Married. Elizabeth could barely contain her excitement, she never thought this would be possible. She thought she'd lost the love of her life, forever. So what is one to do when he suddenly comes back and asks you to marry him?.

Mattheo had however, made it very clear that no one could know, until it was done. This was something that Elizabeth wasn't sure about, she so badly wanted to tell Pansy and she didn't want the girl to be mad at her afterwards but it made sense. If anyone accidentally let it slip, or spoke about it too loudly, Olivia could find out. Which in turn, meant Mattheo's father, would find out.

With that being said, Elizabeth was finding it rather hard to make any sort of plans. They'd already asked Narcissa to marry them, to which she so graciously agreed, promising not to tell Draco. She did however inform them, that they would need a witness each. Mattheo chose Tom, obviously. Elizabeth however, wasn't sure who to ask. She could ask Graham, but chances were he'd either kill them both or tell Pansy.

The only person she could think of, was Dillon. Her Ravenclaw confidante. The boy who Mattheo had often sneered at because he was convinced, he wanted Elizabeth for himself. Elizabeth couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the situation.

So, as she went in search of him, she started in the place she thought he'd most likely be. The library.

She was right in thinking he'd be there, because she instantly spotted his head of blonde hair. Tucked away in the far corner.

With a smile she broke out into a jog, scaring the life out of the boy when she slammed her hands down on the table in front of him.

"Fuck, Elizabeth!" Dillon clutched his chest.

"Sorry dill" Elizabeth giggled. Dropping down into the chair opposite him.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Dillon raised his eyebrows at the slightly squirming girl.

"Okay...I need you to do something for me" Elizabeth smiled softly.

"What is it?" Dillon narrowed his eyes.

"Be a witness at my wedding" Elizabeth spat out. Watching the boy slowly put his quill down and lean back in his chair.

"Your what?" Dillon chuckled.

"My wedding. Look, no one can know and that's why I asked you because I trust you" Elizabeth looked at him with wide eyes.

"I-fine" Dillon sighed.

"Thank you! I'll come and find you tomorrow" Elizabeth stood up, running over to him and pulling him into a hug.

"Who are you marrying?" Dillon asked in a hushed tone.

"Mattheo. Bye" Elizabeth ran away from the bewildered boy, knowing that if she stayed, he'd ask her a million questions.

She felt like a weight had lifted from her chest when she left the library. Everything was falling into place. All that was left, was her dress. Usually, she'd have pansy at her side, telling her what would look good but this time, she was alone and it wasn't as if it was a big wedding. It wasn't really a wedding at all.

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