The classroom-part 1

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Elizabeth tapped her fingers against the desk impatiently, waiting for Snape to finish his lecture on the importance of correct potion making. Her whole body was tense as she watched Mattheo through the corner of her eyes. He seemed just as distracted as she was, his fingers also tapping in the same rhythm as hers. She wondered if he knew that he did that? Or had he just picked it up subconsciously.

" may begin brewing your potion's" Snape murmured, sending warning glares around the room before re taking his seat as his desk.

Elizabeth huffed as she stood up, walking over to the ingredients cabinet and grabbing everything she needed from her list. When she was retaking her seat, Pansy sent her a warm smile, which Elizabeth was more than grateful for.

"What shall I do?" Mattheo asked quietly, his eyes scanning Elizabeth's notes.

"Nothing" Elizabeth hissed as she added the powered root of asphodel to the infusion of wormwood.

Mattheo held his hands up in defeat, watching the brunette girl stir the potion thoroughly. As she fiddled with a piece of sloth brain, Mattheo took it upon himself to cut the sopophorous beans.

After trying multiple times to catch the bean between the blade, he sighed loudly. Anger bubbling within him.

"This is impossible" Mattheo threw the blade down carelessly and in a series of unfortunate events, the blade sliced the fine skin of Elizabeth's hand. A squeal of pain left her lips as she pulled her hand up quickly, inspecting the blood that poured from her fresh wound.

Mattheo's eyes widened in realisation and his hand instantly reached for hers.

"Lizzy I'm sorry I-.."

"Yeah Mattheo why don't you just shout at the beans, maybe then...they'll do what you want" Elizabeth hissed in a sour tone but Mattheo narrowed his eyes, knowing she was clearly referring to the way he had once treated her.

"Do you have to be such a...a..."

"A what?!" Elizabeth sneered.

"A bitch!" Mattheo spat out, so much venom in his voice. Elizabeth's mouth fell open and her eye twitched in anger.

"Do you know what...." Elizabeth huffed loudly "brew your own fucking potion" in a fit of rage, Elizabeth found herself pushing the cauldron over, watching as the thick liquid spilt all over the desk and onto the floor.

"Miss Montague! Mr Riddle! Detention for you both for carelessness!" Snape's voice bellowed around the room and suddenly, all eyes were on the two brunettes.

"See me here at the end of the day!" Snape hissed.

Elizabeth grabbed her bag and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Blood still poured from her hand but once the fresh air hit her lungs, she found herself thinking rationally again. The sound of the classroom door opening and closing, made her roll her eyes, she knew who'd she'd see if she turned around.

"Was that necessary?" Mattheo growled.

"Yes because I'm such a bitch right? I guess it's in my nature" Elizabeth spat back. She was fighting fire with fire.

"Yeah you are. Honestly I know I hurt you but-.."

"No! You don't know Mattheo! Because you weren't there...because you treated me like shit for months, for no reason and then you told our friends it was because I was crazy! You didn't see what you did to didn't care!" Elizabeth exclaimed loudly, her chest rising and falling at a rapid pace.

Mattheo fell silent. His heart beat ringing in his ears. He knew she was right but he'd be damned if he ever told her that she was.


"What the fuck is going on!" Pansy shouted loudly, storming over to her friends with Theo on her tail.

"Nothing" Mattheo sighed loudly.

"Wouldn't call it nothing" Elizabeth muttered under her breath.

"Can you both be quiet? Seriously, you're acting like children. You've already gotten yourselves detention, just give it up already" Theo shook his head in annoyance.

"You're right. I'm leaving" Elizabeth spoke with a tight lipped smile, taking off down the corridor.

"Me too" Mattheo added as he walked in the opposite direction.

"Honestly it annoys me that they can't just admit they were both in the wrong and get over it" Pansy sighed as she ran her hands through her hair.

"Wait're a genius" Theo exclaimed as he grabbed her shoulders.

"What? Why?" The raven haired girl sneered.

"When Snape leaves them to clean the classroom tonight, we are going to spell the door shut. They won't have their wands, they'll be forced to sort out their shit" Theo had a proud smirk on his face.

"That's actually a good idea" Pansy nodded.

"You sound surprised" Theo scoffed.

"I thought you didn't like lizzy, that's all" Pansy shrugged, picking at her chipped nail polish.

"I've just had enough of their bickering and honestly, I kinda miss her hanging around with us" Theo finally admitted out loud.

"'ve got yourself a deal Theodore Nott" Pansy smirked devishly.

"Back at you, Parkinson" Theo winked as he high fived the girl.

If their plan worked, they'd be putting everything back how it should be and if not, they'd simply face the consequences and the anger of Elizabeth Montague and Mattheo Riddle.

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