Tear me down once but never twice

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Elizabeth was oblivious, unaware that her boyfriend had just gotten told the worst news in the world. Instead, she was in the library, laughing as she listened to Dillon talk. He'd become one of her close friends, they had more in common than she would have ever thought possible and it was nice, to talk to someone different, someone who wasn't in Slytherin.

"Isn't Mattheo meant to be meeting you?" Dillon furrowed his eyebrows as he closed his book.

"Uh yeah he was meant to" Elizabeth looked around the library seeing if she could spot the head of brown curls anywhere but it was no use, he wasn't there.

Elizabeth picked up all of her homework and books, shoving it all into her bag and following Dillon's suit by standing up and tucking in her chair.

"I'm sure he'll be outside" Dillon gave her a reassuring smile, sensing that her mood had changed.

"Yeah..." Elizabeth nodded but she had a feeling in the pit of her stomach that something was wrong.

As the unlikely friends walked out of the library, Elizabeth's heart sank even further. He wasn't waiting outside. Her eyes flitted around the empty corridor, hoping that he'd appear and when he didn't, she felt her heart rate increase. Her breathing becoming shallow and her vision blurry.

"Beth" Dillon placed a hand on her shoulder, worried for his new friend.

"C-can't breathe" Elizabeth managed to spit out.

"What do I do?" Dillon knew about her anxiety, she'd told him but he'd never seen it and he was scared for her.

"Dungeons" Elizabeth croaked, allowing the blonde boy to drag her along quickly.

The whole way there, she felt disconnected. Like a part of her was missing and it was.

"What's the password?!" Dillon asked in a rush, his voice slightly squeakier than usual.

"Pure-..blood" Elizabeth spoke quietly, sucking in a harsh breath. The door swung open, allowing the two to walk in and when they did, all eyes were on them.

"Beth?" Theo.

"What happened?" Where's Mattheo?.

"I think she's having a panic attack" yes, I am.

"Thanks Dillon" Theo nodded his head to the blonde before taking Elizabeth's hand and leading her up to her dorm. Making sure to shut the door behind him. He gently pushed her shoulders, making her sit down on her bed but her chest was still heaving, like she couldn't inhale any air.

"Beth calm down okay?" Theo's eyes darted over her face but he saw nothing.

The boy stood up, running his hands through his hair as he thought about what to do. As he paced the room, a lightbulb went off in his mind and he approached the bed, dropping down onto it before scooting backwards and gently pulling Elizabeth back by her shoulders until her back hit his chest.

A hand found its way into her hair, where he drew patterns on her scalp and the other, clasped her own hand.

"Just breathe, I'm here" Theo whispered softly, close to her ear.

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